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Jane forgot about what he had done to her and decided to stay with him and fight. But, how? Jane didn't know what she could and couldn't do. She could barely think straight, Jane dodged the inhuman creature as it attacked her. Attempting to think of a plan.

Jane dug into her rage, power flew through her veins as she saw flashbacks. Janes' eyes turned a golden color, her eyebrows arched. She summoned a various amount of swords and shot it at the creature. She was able to do the unthinkable, how was she so powerful?

"No mercy will be given to you.." She whispered angrily.

As she vigorously attacked the creature, she'd noticed that it was more powerful than the one in the previous room. Why was that? Jane couldn't put her finger on it. It showed off a manic smile, causing chills down her spine.

The creature used super speed to get close to Jane, sending her flying across the room. She groaned in pain, struggling to pick herself back up. Though she was strong, she'd been using a lot of magic. Jane looked to her side, seeing Victor slowly opening his eyes.

Victor knew that he wasn't strong enough to help her fend off the creature but the little energy he had was transferred to Jane, slowly healing her. Victor lost consciousness due to energy lost, Jane rushed to his side and noticed his heart beat was slowing down. He was barely breathing, Jane needed to focus on the creature but couldn't help getting distracted.

Tears left her eyes as she feared for Victor's life. She closed her eyes, hoping she could heal him and fast. The creature was slowly coming her way. A bright green sparkling light came from Jane's hands and Victor slowly woke up.

He took in a deep breath and looked into Jane's eyes, "that was close." He whispered and smiled weakly.

Before they could finish their conversation the creature was only inches away. Jane dragged Victor up and ran in the opposite direction. With a flick of her wrist she summoned large, golden and bright red swords and sent them toward the creature. Victor ran to the creature and punched it, sending it into the air.

Jane was shocked by the damaged Victor had caused to the creature-Tentoria. Once the tension from her body was released, she let out a deep breath, running to the Tentoria and helping Victor to defeat it.

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