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She didn't realize how much she needed Hank's approval until the day they'd gone over to his house to tell him about the baby.  He'd been dropping hints this last year saying things like how he loved watching Danny play hockey when he could make it down for his games but missed having a grandchild to snuggle in his arms. He'd then give her and Jay a pointed look. She'd rallied back, reminding him about his threats to boot her from Intelligence if she wanted to "play house." This always got a sour look from him and he'd mutter about how if he had to put up with a romance in his bullpen for the last five years the least he could get was a grand baby out of the deal, and then he'd stormed back into his office and closed the door a little too forcefully.

Well today was the day he'd get his wish. Erin just hoped he'd actually be happy about it now that it was a reality.

Jay had wanted to tell Hank at work, just go in early one day and let him know before the rest of the team got there but Erin was feeling more sentimental these days, she blamed that on the hormones. Actually she was blaming a lot on the hormones. If she was gonna have to put up with growing a kid inside her and the laundry list of symptoms she'd been reading about since finding out they were pregnant last week, she figured least she could get was a free pass to act however she wanted and get her way.

So Erin insisted they announce the baby in a more traditional way. She didn't care if it made Jay uncomfortable. She knew he preferred to keep Hank at arms length, in the 'he's my boss' box but Jay was just going to have to get use to that line being blurred now that they were having a baby.  Blood relation or not, Hank Voight was this baby's Papa and that was something Jay was going to have to find a way to deal with.

So here they were sitting at the dining table she'd shared with Hank, Camille and Justin through her teen years, having an awkward Sunday dinner.  Her hands were sweaty and she wished for a moment Camille was here to ease the awkwardness. She smiled thinking how much Camille would have loved Jay. Hell she'd even settle for Justin and the jealous jabs he'd take at Jay. God she missed them both so much still.

"Spit it out," Hank broke the silence and commanded gruffly, making Jay's back snap up straight like he was still in the military and Erin drop her fork.

She muttered her her apology at the awful clatter the fork made and glanced at Jay, hoping he'd share their news with Hank. But he was offering no support, his eyes clearly telling her this was her idea so it was on her to make the announcement. She gave Jay a glare, letting him know she'd make him pay later, then cleared her throat.

"So we, umm, have some news," she began.

"I gathered as much," Hank said flatly. His face was devoid of emotion, making it hard for Erin to read him.

"We found out a few days ago and well we thought you should know," Erin said, letting out a frustrated sigh.

This wasn't the speech Erin had prepared and practiced over and over in her head since asking Hank Friday night if they could come to Sunday dinner.  She picked up her glass of water and took a sip. Hank folded his hands under his chin and looked back and forth between them waiting, in what could be deemed as patience if you knew Hank Voight, for one of them to enlighten him. Erin's glass hit the table a little harder than she expected.

"We're pregnant," she blurted out. She caught the wince on Jay's face at her less than gracefully delivery. But to his credit he reached under the table and squeezed her thigh reassuringly while they waited the beat it took for Hank to react.

A slow smile began to push out the harsh lines on Hank's face. He pushed back his chair in silence and came around the table, pulling Erin up and into a hug. Erin's body relaxed, relieved Hank was happy about the baby.

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