How Fast They Grow

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Finally!! I started this chapter ages ago and it's taken forever, and I'm not sure how many are still interested in reading it but here's the conclusion to this fluffy little story. Make no mistake, this is pure fluff and probably more predictable and cheesy than I usually write but my muse wanted her happily ever after. I hope you enjoy and it somehow makes up for, or at least eases the pain of last weeks news. Xoxo



"JT," Jay warned

"Daddy, No!" James said again, raising his head and sticking out his chin.

Jay sighed. How Erin got through this without a fight he didn't know but every time Jay was on his own with their two year old son at bedtime it was the same deal. James refused to cooperate.

"James, its bedtime. Let's just get our pjs on okay?"

"NO! No bedtime!" James scream at Jay, slammed down the truck he'd been playing with and threw himself on the floor in a fit. Jay ran his fingers though his hair. Hair he felt like he was loosing by the minute.

He hated when James got like this. Erin said he had Jay's temper and that scared the shit out of Jay. He knew what kind of trouble his temper had got him into over the years, especially his teenage years. He shook his head, reminiscing wasn't gonna get his toddler off the floor. He wished Erin wasn't running late from work, she was the only one who could calm him down when he got like this. As soon as she put her hands on James, saying his name in a soothing tone, his whole body relaxed and he'd quiet right down. But she wasn't here and Jay had to get through this on his own.

Most days James was a happy go lucky energetic boy who loved to laugh and act silly with his dad. Erin often joked Jay was James favourite toy. Jay loved nothing more than to spend a Saturday morning playing on the floor with his son. Erin would snuggle in the couch behind them watching and laughing at them until they pulled her down and attacked her with tickles. Jay couldn't think of anything more beautiful then the sight of Erin and James faces flushed from laughter. But tonight James expression was all sour.

Jay sat on the floor near James and called his name softly but his voice didn't seem to penetrate James tantrum. Jay tried again, a little louder and reached out to touch his son. The contact startled James and Jay barely had time to duck before James plucked the discarded truck up and fired it at his father's head.

"Oh I don't think so," came a stern but raspy voice from behind Jay. James body stilled, his scream died on his lips, his eyes went big.  Jay even froze in surprise at her arrival, the commanding tone in her voice had even him feeling like he should be making his way to the time out chair. Where the hell had she come from?  "We do NOT throw our toys!" Erin exclaimed. 

James ducked his head and Jay risked looking over his shoulder. Erin stood, face devoid of emotion, hand on hip, eyes glaring down at them.  A look that terrified suspects in the interrogation room.

"Hey," Jay croaked, "I didn't hear you come in." 

"I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have heard a 747 landing over that racket," she retorted sarcastically. "Let me guess, you told him it was bedtime?" 

Jay nodded and James risked peaking up at his parents.  Erin worked hard to keep her stern expression at the sight of sad blues eyes peaking up at her beneath the stray curls that hung a little too long across his forehead. Jay had begged her to cut James hair repeatedly but she just couldn't bring herself to get rid of the soft ringlets of caramel hair that covered James head. She wasn't ready for her baby boy to have a big kid hair cut.

"Sorry daddy," James whispered. Jay couldn't help but feel pride that the little guy already knew how to atone for his transgressions without prompting. Of course it didn't hurt that he was completely adorable while he repented.

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