Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

As our friends started to file into the house with snacks and some computers that had their character sheets on. I was always really confused when I had to use a computer device to read off of for my character. I really have to have things on paper.

When everyone was situated D&D started, or at least kind of started. Everyone was still getting out their dice and finding chairs; they also discussed what they have been doing over the past months or weeks. I wasn't quite sure, I believe I kind of spaced out through most of the 'getting ready' part.

"Alright everyone let's settle down and start off." Wyatt told everyone, Trey and Ron were chatting about league of legends... Or at least I think that's what it was called. Ike and Jes were talking about their characters and how awesome they were, I didn't really care as long as they were going to be good for the team. Ajax was just looking at his phone or listening to Ike and Jes talk about their characters. But when Wyatt said that it was time for the game everyone calmed down and looked up at him.

"Now... where's Domic?" Wyatt asked.

"Eh, he said that he couldn't come because of something about a game or was it his wife's ultrasound.." Trey shrugged, "Something like that."

"Ah, okay." Wyatt nodded, "I'll text him later then. Are you ready?" He smiled slyly.

We all nodded, we watched Wyatt pull out a cardboard stand that you would use for a school project. I never know what those things are really called though.

Wyatt unfolded it and it was a beautifully detailed map of a city, at the top right it had beautiful writing that said 'Everglaze'. It was a city that looked like it was frozen over, but it also looked kind of warm too. On the left side of the board it had pictures of the buildings and what they were and what they were.

"Did you draw this?" I asked curiously.

Wyatt looked at me and smiled, "Yeah I did, you were right, if I practiced I would get better. Although this map took me a month to draw."

"I have no doubt that it did." I chuckled.

"Alright, so. Place yourselves in Estmai Church." He told us and pointed at a beautiful building on the map, actually scratch that all of them were beautiful. But this one was pretty, it looked like it had frozen vines all over it and had Saphire gems on it here and there.

We all did as he said, and he started to tell us what our quest was just to get started.

At the end of the game we were all pretty satisfied with the storyline Wyatt came up with. He told us that we would start again around the same time next week for the continuing of our quest.

I helped pick up after I put my character sheets into the folder, and my dice away in my bag. I grabbed my keys and was about to leave, but Wyatt came up to me.

"Could you stay behind for a minute?" He asked me.

Shrugging I nodded and stepped over to the living room. I sat down on the couch waiting for everyone to leave the house.

Wyatt came in after shutting and locking his front door when everyone finally left, he sat on the other side of the couch and looked at me for a good long minute until I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Oh sorry." He apologised and took off his glasses. He cleaned them with the bottom of his shirt then put his glasses back over his pretty eyes. "I need to ask you something."  

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