my muse

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Daisy wasn't what people considered an artist or an experienced painter. In fact, if you held up a painting made by an expert next to hers, she would most likely soil herself from embarrassment. She was very self conscious about certain skills she developed and it didn't help that people were making fun of her every day. She hated painting because she wasn't good at it. But the only thing that kept her going was her muse. Her friend, Jemma Simmons, who would watch her every week. Ever since Jemma invited Daisy into her home, her inspiration flowed into her. Daisy hated keeping these nagging feelings for Jemma in the back of her head, but she was scared to tell her anything because she liked being in a steady house. All of her life, she was thrown in foster home after foster home, not knowing who her real parents were, and when she did finally find out, her reaction wasn't of joy. Calvin Zebo and Jaiying were monsters in their own right. She still had SHIELD, but that was only temporary. Jemma was sweet enough to take Daisy in. That's what friends do, right? 

So why did Daisy have these 'not really a friend' like feelings for Jemma? She longed to tell her, but would Jemma feel the same way? 

Shortly after, she heard the familiar sound of Jemma's car pull up and she began painting again. The door opened and the jingle of keys dropping onto the table was heard. 

"Hello? Daisy, are you home?" Jemma called out. Daisy replied, "Yeah, i'm here. Just painting." Jemma then walked into the room she was in and gasped in excitement at Daisy's painting.

"Oh, Daisy this is marvelous!" She beamed. Daisy tried to hide a blush. 

"T-thanks, Jemma." Jemma smiled at Daisy. She turned to look at Jemma.

"How are you so good at painting, Daisy? I could never do what you did. The majority of these paintings look like they were drawn by an expert! But the expert is you!" Daisy couldn't help herself from blushing. Jemma was singing her praises to Daisy and complimenting her at the same time and it took everything she had not to grab Jemma's face and smash her lips against her own. 

"Oh, Jemma..." Daisy began, but Jemma continued to speak.

"I hope you weren't thinking of selling this.. i wanted to keep them in my house. As a way of showing people what my amazing friend did!" Daisy walked back over to her unfinished work, sadly looking down.

"Jemma... my paintings aren't as great as you think they are.. When i first started, a lot of people made fun of me because they looked like shit... The only reason why they look as good as they o now is because i found an inspiration to help me make them better. I found a muse.." Daisy confessed. Jemma walked over to her and looked at her newest painting. It was a portrait of Jemma herself in a field of daisies, smiling. It hit her the instant she saw the picture - Daisy's inspiration and muse... was JEMMA. 

"Daisy... is your muse... me..?" Jemma prodded. Daisy turned to her and blushed brightly.

"Y-yeah... I've kinda.. had the biggest crush on you for a long time... i just never said anything because... you were nice enough to let me into your home... that's what friends do... i just.. yeah.. i didn't want to fuck that up.." Daisy confessed. Now it was Jemma's turn to blush.

"Oh, Daisy. You're a beautiful soul. I didn't know you felt that way about me... to be perfectly honest, I've felt the exact same way about you." 

Daisy bit her lip and blushed hard. She then proceeded to pull Jemma in close and embrace her in a warm hug. 

"I love you, Jemma.." Daisy said. Jemma hugged her back and replied, "I love you too, Daisy." Shortly afterwards, they finally broke the tension and sealed the tight space with a kiss before Daisy returned to her work, finishing her painting of her girlfriend, smiling widely.


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