popping the question

386 15 3

Jemma was nervous. No, actually, nervous didn't even begin to explain how Jemma felt. She felt nauseous. Her and Skye were dating for a few weeks now, but time was nonexistent with a girl like Skye. She wanted to marry her, but was she ready? The only way to know for sure was if she asked a few of her friends beforehand. And of course, Fitz would be the first. 


She asked apprehensively. Her and Fitz were best friends forever, so long in fact, they dated briefly until they had feelings for other people. Would it be awkward? 

"What's up, Jems?" 

Fitz asked, chipper and smiling. 

"So... umm... you know how me and Skye have been... together for a while now..?" 

Fitz raised an eyebrow before nodding. 

"What's wrong? Oh, no! You two aren't over, are you?!" 

Fitz asked in true horror. Jemma chuckled and reassured Fitz that her and Skye were indeed, very much together still. Fitz took a breath.

"Don't worry.. it's nothing bad like that... I, um... want to marry her..." 

If Fitz could jump any higher than humanly possible, he would have. 


Fitz yelled before Jemma slapped a hand over his mouth. 

"Fitz.. quiet.. I'm scared she'll say no and i don't want her knowing yet.." 

"Why the bloody hell would she say no to you? She loves you and you love her!" 

Fitz exclaimed. He was right, of course but she still wasn't all that sure. 

"Maybe... But.. I'm still scared.. maybe i should talk to Bobbi..." 

Fitz nodded. She hugged him and he returned it. 

"Just make sure you invite me to the wedding, yeah?" 

Jemma blushed and chuckled before making a note to invite him. 


"Of COURSE she's going to say 'YES!'" 

Bobbi replied emphatically. Jemma blushed. Bobbi was like the older sister to both Skye and Jemma and the most supportive of their relationship (apart from Fitz, of course.) so when Jemma told her she wanted to marry Skye, Bobbi completely lit up in excitement. 

"But i'm scared, Bobbi..." 

Bobbi smiled. 

"I know how you feel, sweetie. I was nervous when me and Hunter got married, mostly because he could be an ass sometimes." 

Hunter yelled out an, "Hey! I'm not an ass ALL the time!" 

"Anywayyyy, you should talk to your girlfriend. Or talk with May if you're still unsure. She loves you a lot. And you have my complete blessing to marry her, of course." 

She smiled at Jemma, hugging her before letting Jemma go off to find May.


"What's wrong, Simmons?" 

May asked while not missing a strike on the training dummies. She would have to talk to May like an agent. Melinda May took no beating around the bush and didn't approve of people stammering or not getting to the point. She cleared her throat. 

"Yes, well.. I'm sure you're aware of Skye and I's relationship?" May nodded. 

"I want to marry her, but i'm not entirely sure what she will say seeing as how we've only been together for about three weeks now. What do you suggest i do, Agent May?" 

May walked over to her and surprisingly placed a light hand on her shoulder. 

"You don't have to be so tense right now, Jemma. You should talk to Skye and not me, though. You'll never know what she'll say if you talk to everyone else but the one you want to spend the rest of your life with." 

Jemma nodded. Guess there was no more avoiding it. 


Jemma walked back to where Skye was living in the base. The door was closed but she could hear Skye singing to herself. She smiled and blushed at how lovely her voice was. She took a breath before opening the door. 

"Ah! Oh, hey Jems." 

Skye said. Jemma waved at her. Skye moved her head slightly to the right in confusion.

"Uh, Jems? You alright? I don't get a kiss? I haven't seen you all day. I miss you." 

Jemma looked at Skye. 

"Huh? Oh, i'm sorry, Skye... I've just been... thinking about things.." 

Skye sat down on the bed beside her. 

"Talk to me. What's going on?" 

Jemma took a breath. She seemed to be doing that a lot today. Why was she so nervous? This was SKYE! Her girlfriend! 

"Skye... do you love me?" She asked. Why did she ask that???

Skye scoffed in amazement. 

"Are you joking? Of course I love you, Jems!" 

"No, i mean.. do you really love me?" 

Skye was getting worried now. 

"Jemma... are you.. are you breaking up with me or something.. you're really scaring me... did i.. am i doing something wrong.. are you upset with me... oh, no.. i forgot an anniversary again.. i thought.." 

Jemma stopped her worries with a kiss, and decided to just come right out with it or poor Skye would have a heart attack. 

"Skye... I want to marry you... but i was afraid that you would say no to me.." 

Skye returned the kiss. 

"Why... in the world.. would i ever say NO to you, Jemma? To you?? Of course I'll marry you."

Jemma smiled and kissed her again. 

"But right now... I've really missed you..." 

Jemma chuckled. Oh, Skye... 

But she was extremely happy Skye wanted to marry her, and she was even happier to know that once May, Fitz and Bobbi heard the news, they would be more than excited for the two of them. 

Especially Bobbi and Fitz. 


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