4 - Opinions Change

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It took Ethan all of nine days to figure out something was wrong. Tyler would have probably been more offended had he not been trying so hard to make Ethan think he was still okay. That nothing was wrong. That his life as he knew it hadn't just been completely thrown out off a damn cliff and he wasn't questioning everything he'd been thinking for the past 28 years. When Ethan finally did notice something was wrong, it was when they were sitting on the couch, like any other day. He was talking about his family wanting him to visit them this weekend, and how they were so excited for a family dinner. Apparently Ethan's older brother was going too, and bringing along his new girlfriend who Ethan had been friends with in high school. He hadn't spoken to her in years, and so this was a good time to reconnect and see how the other was doing. It was shaping up to being a fun night for them.

"As long as she doesn't turn out to be a serial killer." Tyler laughed, it was meant to be taken as a joke, but when he realized Ethan wasn't laughing he turned his attention away from the next episode of the tv show to look at him.

Ethan was already looking at him, a thoughtful expression on his face as he eyed Tyler. For a moment Tyler thought the younger male had taken him seriously about his brothers new girlfriend possibly being a serial killer, and he was a half second away from calling him a twat when the question was asked. "Hey Ty, are you alright?"

It hung in the air for a moment, Tyler's earlier reply dying on his lips. He hadn't been expecting that, and it momentarily made his mind decide to take a vacation. "Y-yeah I'm fine. Why?" He asked, settling for that reply. Playing dumb was his best shot right now and he knew it.

"Since when do you wear sweaters?" Ethan asked with a raised eyebrow. He didn't sound as cheerful as he had a moment ago, and the knowledge made Tyler worry. Come on, don't let him find out now. Not when they were having such a good time together. This wasn't fair!

The panicked look that had to be written on his face didn't seem to soothe Ethan's fears. Instead, Tyler could see a flicker of worry in Ethan's eyes that made his heart clench. He didn't like Ethan feeling worried about him. Before he could comment on it, it was gone and was replaced with a slightly determined look that made the brunet realize he wasn't going to get out of this without Ethan finding out exactly what he wanted to know.

That didn't mean he wasn't going to try, of course. He pushed the panic aside and instead set the nicest smile he could muster onto his face. "I've been getting cold, it's better than wearing a blanket everywhere I go." He replied, trying to brush it off with a shrug. He didn't think it went as smoothly as he planned it to.

Ethan didn't seem to be buying it. Not in the least if his little frown was anything to go by. "You told me you don't like long sleeves." He informed hesitantly and damn, he did say that didn't he? Why would Ethan even bother to remember that? It seemed like such a useless fact both then and now.

A logical part of his brain told him that maybe he should just say it, because this was starting to get painfully awkward. That part of his brain didn't seem to want to connect with his mouth though, so instead what he told his roommate was, "Opinions change?" But the words came out more like a question than the statement he'd been going for.

Ethan looked at him with a look Tyler couldn't quite place, something along the lines of fear and disappointment. It wasn't particularly something he enjoyed seeing on his friends face- especially not the friend he was in love with. "Tyler show me your wrist." He demanded, his voice soft.

There is was. Tyler could actually hear his world imploding around him. He stood up, much too quickly, already heading for the door before an actual plan was formulating in his mind. The only thing he was thinking of was getting out of his conversation. Postponing the inevitable if not getting rid of it completely. Now he just needed to figure out a way to do that. "No."

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