Daughter of Thor(1)

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《Astrid pov.》

It was midnight.
I was watching the moon for hours.
Today was nothing special,but I couldn't slept.
"Is everything okay?"
I turn around and look at Thor.
"Yeah.Everything is okay,Dad"
He smiles at me.

"Astrid,I know something is wrong."
I look at him.
"Dad,I have to tell them that I am a halfblood!"
"You know you can't"
Thor watchs his daughter.
She knows her Dad since a half year.
It all happens by a mistake.

I was flying with Stormfly over the ocean.
Suddenly a really heavy storm begans.
Everywhere were lightning.
I tried to fly to Edge,but I was hit by a lightning.
Everything went black.
As I woke up my head hurts very hard.
I look around.
A man stands in the corner.
"Who are you?"
"I am Thor,your father"
"And I'm your daughter",Astrid said.
He smiles.
"It was a joke"
"Astrid,it isn't a joke!But now I will send you back to Berk"

We talked often witch each other and someday I accepted that my father is Thor.
"Try to tell it your friends,but you will see they won't understand it!"
With these words he was away.
I sit here 5 more minutes and then I walk to the clubhouse.
Hiccup and Heather were sitting there.
"What's up?",I ask them.
"My father wrote that he needs us in Berk.We will fly to Berk in the morning",Hiccup says.

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