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《Andrasta pov.》

I close my eyes.
Everything is black.
But suddendly I see all the memories of my childhood.


"Daddy!I want a dragon!",I screamed.
My father,the chief Hiccup Haddock,looked down at me.
I cried.
I knew my father couldn't see how his daughter cries.
"Okay!You won!",he said.
I smiled.
"I want a Nightfury!",I told him.
"No,Andrasta.You can't have a Nightfury because Toothless is the last one.
Maybe you want the same dragon as Mommy."
"No.If I can't have a Nightfury,I want a Skrill!",I said.
"If you want a Skrill,you will get one"


And now I have a Skrill.
Nightstorm is my best friend.
She helped me as my parents died.
"Andrasta?Is everything okay?"
I open my eyes and look at my husband.
"Everything is fine",I said.
"But you cry,what-...."
"Please Killian!Be quiet.I just need some sleep."
The son of Dagur lays down in our bed.
"I'm just tired",I tell.
"I know."
I close my eyes again and I fall asleep.


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