Day 1

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Luke Wrights. 18. School's dream boy. Teachers loved him, guys wanted to be him, and girls wanted to be with him. He was all mine. Or so I thought.

Shyanne Baldman. 15. School's sweetheart with a past. Teachers loved her, girls wanted to be her, guys wanted to be with her.

I am Shyanne Baldman.

This is our story.

This is my* story

First day of high school.

6:00 AM

I wake up to the alarm clock going off. I drag my arm over and hit it off. Getting out of bed, heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead. Brush my hair, put it in a top knot, brush my teeth, then put my makeup on. I go back to my bedroom and get dressed. Have one last look in the mirror, I head down the stairs, and out the door.

"I will eat at school." I always tell myself that then never do.

I walk out to the bus stop and wait. When the bus finally arrives I get on and sit in the very back. I put my headphones in and play my music. Loud. The bus makes a couple more stops before reaching the school.

I get off the bus and just as I step off I hit something. No someone.

"Watch it," a male voice says.


He turns around and looks down at me.

"No, it was my fault. I should have watched where I was going." He smile.

"Oh.. its okay.' I smiled back and started walking towards the Cafe.

"Hey, whats your name?" He asks.

I stop and look back. "Until next time." I keep walking.

Well first 5 minutes and run into a cute guy.

I enter the Cafe and its packed. The line is long so I go in the hall to find a vending machine. I get a breakfast bar and eat it walking to my first class.

I turn the corner and run into the same brown haired blue eyed boy I ran into earlier by the buses.

"You must really like me to be hitting on me so much."

Did he really just say that? I giggle.

"I don't even know you. Cocky much. "

"Luke. Luke Wrights." He says smiling at me.

"Nice to meet ya Luke. Im Shyanne Baldman."

"Well Shyanne Baldman I hope to see you around." Luke says as he walks off.

Okay get him out of your head you have to focus.

After a long boring day of teachers hanging out lame information booklets, I head to the buses. I hadn't saw Luke for the rest of the day, probably for the best. The bus stops at the corner before my house, I get off and go inside.

I am greeted at the door by my dad.

"Hey honey, how was your first day?"

He knows I hate pet names. But I ignore it.

"Fine. Im going to go do my homework."

We had no homework.

"Homework on the first day?"

"Yep, welcome to high school." I lie.

I head to my room and lay on the bed. I get out my phone. I haven't been on it since the day was so busy.

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