ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ//ғʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛs

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Y/N's POV:

      I woke up to find myself staring at a wooden ceiling, where am I, I- ughhh, my head hurts so much.

"Oh! You're finally awake" a girl cheerfully ran up to me and hugged me. Who was this girl hugging me, did she save me?

"I found you laying on the floor, and you definitely created a crowd with your weird clothes, I tended your wound on your leg" she gave me some medicine, I looked around, observing each part of the room, it was definitely like nothing I've seen before

"My name is Mingji, i'm the daughter of the owner of this restaurant and you are...?"
"It's Y/N"
"Um, sorry to ask, but those clothes doesn't look like its from Silla" she looked at me
"Um.. well.. you see... i'm not really from this kingdom" I scratched my head
"You're not?"
"Yea, um.. it's nothing too important, don't worry about it" she looked at me weirdly
"Ah~ I see" she smiled "Your leg looks like it healed really quick, you should change, i have some spare clothes for you" she placed a bunch of dressed on the table
"Help youself" she smiled and left as I slowly bowed

T-this... this doesn't make any sense, how could I possibly be time traveling, but my parents
Suddenly, tears rolled down my eyes, i couldn't think straight.
I washed my face and put on the pretty dress, it was so uncomfortable, but it looked nice (Benefits :P)

"You look beautiful!" Mingji came in with a bag
"We're going out to buy some fruits, try not to stand out too much"


We went out, I was completely confused, but amazed, all these people wearing their hanboks and looking beautiful.
I wish history class was more exciting but I never payed attention in History


While I was walking behind Mingji, I took a glimpse of the... bulletin board.. it had many words and many picture, but what caught my eye was Hwarang
It just has a nice tune to it... hwaaarangggg hwiparam, hwi param param param

Omgg nooo Y/N you gotta focus, why are you singing kpop while in the middle of nowhere

"Hey, Mingji, what's Hwarang?" I asked

"HWARANGG?!?" she yelled
She looked at me with admiring eyes
"Hwarang is a bunch of beautiful looking men, training together, to protect the kingdom of Silla, like flower knights" Mingji had her hands next to her face looking like she's so in love

"Is it possible for me to join?" She snapped out of it and laughed, um.. what..?
"Y/N, it's for men only, you couldn't possibly join" she was picking out apples in the street markets

"Simple, I can just dress as a man" Because, in 2017, you can be a tomboy and no one cares.

"NOOO, are you out of your mind? It's not that easy, and if you're a man, you won't even be able to get in not saying that you're not good enough but seriously"

"I mean.. i can fight... i can read... i can write, what else do i need to do? I can cook, I can draw" I gently nudge Mingji on the arm to get her attention

"It's just.. not that simple, and if the queen finds out.. she'll definitely kill you"

"No, she wo-"

"Definitely will" she continued, as we walked back to her house

"Pleaseee, I'll try not to get caught, I have my reasons" i begged her

She sighed and gave in
"Okay, okay, look I barely know you, so you can do whatever you want, and if you get caught, there's nothing I can do" she put down the apples in the kitchen

"Really?!" I said in excitement
"Yes, but remember to visit me, alright?"

I smiled and nodded

"You can take some of my brother's clothes, but look at me" she grabbed my shoulders with both of her hands

"If you manage to get in, remember not to get caught, I do not know what your reason is.. but act more manly and when you want to burst and cry, suck it up, you're a man" she emphasized the word man.

My.. reason, well at first, it just seem like a time killer, I mean, protecting Silla but now that I think about it, can I possibly find a way to get back? Being in Hwarang? Will I? It'll definitely be more interesting than doing exams, definitely

"Okay, I'll get ready" will I get into Hwarang? Am I skilled enough?

Ahhh~ such a boring chapter xD, but it's only the beginning and the chapters will get longer and longer

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Ahhh~ such a boring chapter xD, but it's only the beginning and the chapters will get longer and longer. I don't have the best grammar because english isn't my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes, typos or parts that doesn't make sense, I might have you guys vote on how you want the story :) later in the story.

Tbh, I cannot really think of any ideas to write in this story because I don't know anything about historical Korea, so that's why I decided to do a time travel so I can be more "modern"

Profile corner:

Name: Kim Mingji
Age: 19
-dressing up in pretty hanboks
-stubborn people
Blood type: unknown
Height: 170 cm

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