ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-sɪx

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The forest was peaceful and refreshing

SO.. I'll have to cross this path on the day of my return

I.. I kind of will miss this place...

Now I'm reconsidering.. leaving or not.. haha maybe I'll make HISTORY

Suddenly, I felt an arrow that almost sliced my skin on my arm, it flew right into the tree and was stuck there

I flinched and immediately looked around. There was no one, it was just the sound of birds and tree leaves swaying back and forth

There was a note wrapped around it

'Ahro and Sooyeon is with me. Come to the east side forest of Silla in an abandon house. Don't even think about telling anyone or your friends will be killed'

Oh.. no... oh my... f-.. I

This is happening again, people is getting hurt because of me, it's not the first time and it's always the people around me

I didn't tell any of them, I decided to go alone, it was getting dark and I was scared.. I was...

The fearless me is scared?

I wonder how Ahro and Sooyeon is doing

I hid behind the house, it was very old and the wood was moldy. It was dark inside, did they set me into a trap?

"Hello, Y/N" The voice of my uncle popped up and sooner or later, he was right infront of me, with a bunch of others

"So.. you really do follow instructio-"

"Where's Ahro and Sooyeon" I interupted, idc about me or him anymore

"Stop being rude, haven't your parents tau-"

"STOP bringing up my parents" I stood up and he kind of backed away "STOP IT UNCLE, my parents didnt do anything to you, stop dragging them into this. No, infact, stop dragging anyone into this. It's a business between me and you"

"This business started off with your parents and I, so why are you in it?"

"WELL BECAUSE you pushed me into this damn machine and now.. we're all here. YOU'RE hurting my friends. Of course it's my business"

I'm getting pissed now, the fact that he keeps coming after me and my friends.. it's annoying.. what's done in the past.. i mean the future stays in the future

"Well... we could...settle"

"Settle? Settle what" I asked

"Under one condition" he said
"Bring me back with you"

"W-what?" I was confused why would he "so.. you're telling me.. that you've spent years constructing some machine...it wasn't even successful and the reason for that is to go back in time and now.. you want to go back to the start?"

"Y-yes..." he said


"It's OBVIOUS, you want to leave too.. this world is too hard to handle here"

I kind of laughed

"Hey" he said

"Well.. how about you release my friends and then I can bring you back"

"..hmm.. deal" he smiled... he.. he seems like a completely different person..

He slowly nodded

But he's my uncle.. I should bring him back.. because he'll cause more trouble if I don't..

"Are you going to do anything to me, my parents and my friends from now on?"


"Really?" I asked and he nodded



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it's 1 am, and I was like hmm.. time for me to update this cause it's been more than a week

I made this chapter in 30 mins or less and its 1am so.. if there's any grammar mistakes.. ignore it. Lol there's grammar mistake in my series even if it's daytime.

Anyways.. like I was saying.. I went camping :D like wild camping, it was fun. We didn't do anything. Hahaha. But it was fun. We ate alot of ramen and played with water a lot.

I couldn't take pics cause I was lazy.

But i did went to the beach at 3am on the last night ;) that was the most memorable

TIME DIFFERENCE IS COMING TO AN END IM KINDA SAD BUT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I , MYSELF, THE AUTHOR, WANTS IT TO END. Sorry xD I can't think of a plot.. so like.. we gotta go with the cliche historical romance plot :)

Im literally so sadddd

School's starting '-' heartbreaking
It starts tomorrow.. since it's 1:45AM, I have about... 28-29 hours idk



Tell me a joke so like.. I can laugh while knowing school's starting.


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