ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ sᴇᴠᴇɴ//ᴇɴᴄᴏᴜɴᴛᴇʀ

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Y/N's POV:

It was lunch, the food tasted weird to me, maybe I'm just not use to food from the older days...

"So, Jae-seong hyung, there's a rumor about mast-" Hansung started a coversation but I cut hin off because I knew exactly what he was about to ask.

"It'a true" I slowly chewed onto my food, forcily swallowing it.

They all looked at each other

"Sorry, I don't have the appetite today, I'll go back to the room, please inform me when the next practice is taken" I stood up and walked away

I didn't go to the room, but instead, I went to the river bank.

These trees, these sounds, I laid down on the grassland nearby, I could hear the river flow, and wind going through the leaves..
This is what I wanted my life to be
I put my hand up facing it towards the sky, a much more.. peaceful.. modern.. life.. a normal.. one, I miss it so much to the point that I don't mind taking exams to go back..

"I want to go back" the tears only fell down quickier

"Go back where?" Suddenly someone said from behind me which made me jump and quickly wiped my tears and I sat up straight

It was Ji-Dwi

why.. is he.. here

He sat beside me and it was really awkward, I only skipped rocks until he asked me .

"What are you doing here?" I started to have sweaty palms..

does he know that I'm..a.. her...

"What do you mean?" I forced a smile but he could tell

"I heard you're not a true bone but just a normal villager of Silla" he looks into my eyes with those cold dead eyes, the same pair of eyes I saw at Okta.

"It's true, I'm not a .. t-true bone, I don't know the rules here, but all I  know is that Master Wi-Hwa recruit me for my capability of protecting someone" he rolled his eyes, which made me annoyed a little

"What are your intentions?"

"I don't have a reason why I'm here" which made him look at me even more.. suspiciously, so I stood and was ready to leave

"I'm only here because I want to protect Silla, If you think I join Hwarang because of some stupid reasons, then forget it" I walked away, so angry, because people need to stop jumping to conclusions, I aint here to kill your family, so calm down, but what he said WAS true... I did come here.. to find the book of time travels.

Without realising, I stepped on the side of a rock, One foot that fell in the shallow water, which made my whole body lose balance, but a hand wrapped around my waist and stopped the fall.

It was silent, you could only hear the flowing water, our heartbeats and breathings, and then again our eyes locked

We suddenly snapped out of it and I slightly pushed him and bowed but he looked at his hands and then at my waist, so I only mouthed thank you, and then walked away.


"Hyung, your face is red" Hansung came into the room

"Ah~ nothing, sorry" I covered my face

"We should get ready for the next lesson, are you ready?" He told me and I nodded

"But... I need to.. ask you something first" he closed the door behind him and came closer and sat down, I looked around trying to avoid eye contact

"What is it that you need to ask"

He held on top of my head, and slowly ran his finger from my lip to my neck which made me shiver and quickly jump up

"H-HEY EXCUSE ME, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE TOUCHING" I got up, I didn't mean to yell at him.. but that was unexpected.

"You're quite scrawny for a boy"

I knew it.

"Please consider the fact that I barely eat. And it hurts my pride to be call me too skinny for a boy afterall I AM a man" I tried to shot glares at him but he stared back.

He knows I'm a girl. I can tell because, he's smirking at me.

               ----Bed Time----

"You can sleep in the middle of the room, we dragged in an extra bunk bed for you" Soo ho said

"Thanks" I smiled, and made eye contact with Ji Dwi but we both turn away

"We didn't get much done today, what are we doing tomorrow?" I asked

"Apparently, we're doing sword training and duels and then.. we learn to cook" Soo ho got ready for bed.

"COOKING?!? They're definitely making a fool out of us" Ban Ryu was frustrated

"I mean it doesn't hurt to learn cooking.. right?" I said

"Yea, but we're suppose to be trained to protect Silla, not work as chefs at a restaurant " Sunwoo continued.

"Eh... I guess master Wi-Hwa has his reasons... I... think" I also laid on my bed.. I..need to not be caught off guard.. as I'm sleeping in a room with 6 men.. the thought of it made my face heat up.. don't think that way.. it's just kind of weird...

"Goodnight guys" Hansung said, and the lights were turned off and we slept

Hey guys, thanks for 300+ reada <33, please keep reading and following the story :D

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Hey guys, thanks for 300+ reada <33, please keep reading and following the story :D

Sorry guys, but I won't be uploading as much and shorter chapters because of upcoming big tests, summatives (are nig projects that are aorth 30% of my final mark) and preparations for exams.. I guess... maybe too early xD

See you guys, next chapter, bye bye

ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴅɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ ✔// ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʜᴡᴀʀᴀɴɢ sᴛᴏʀʏ // Park Hyungsik Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora