Chapter 4: Baby Steps

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September, 2016

The cool, midnight breeze rushed through the lightly billowing curtains and caressed Sakura's bare shoulders. She snuggled deeper into the corner of the linen couch and covered her eyes from the light probing them. Splashes of colour consumed her face. Pinks, and blues, and purples, and reds. The voices coming from the television filled the room but they were interrupted by the sounds of footsteps on the other side of the apartment door.

The footsteps weren't quiet. They were loud and uneven, resembling the rhythm of a toddler walking for the first time. But it wasn't a toddler walking – toddler shoes haven't quite integrated the stiletto heel to their design. The steps were becoming louder and louder as they approached the door of the apartment but almost immediately, they were lighter and softer, as if the owner of the shoes was trying to sneak in.

Sakura's eyes fluttered open to the sight of her papers scattered around the room. Sitting up straighter, her half-closed eyes met a red-faced Tomoyo.

"I can explain," Tomoyo said.

Tomoyo stumbled towards the couch, clutching the small black purse tightly in her hand. Now fully awake, Sakura was able to appreciate Tomoyo's current state of appearance. Her usual long, conservative dresses were replaced for a short, figure hugging dress. Not to mention her floral scent was completely masked by the alcohol seeping from her pores.

"I'm not an alcoholic if that's what you're thinking," she slurred. "I went to the club with a friend and I got a little bit carried away."

"Did you have fun?" Sakura asked.

"You're not mad at me?" Tomoyo hiccupped.

Sakura shook her head in response. "It would've been nice if you told me you were seeing someone but you don't need to sneak around my back."

"I'm not seeing anyone, silly. The club is the best place to meet people and have fun, if you know what I mean," said Tomoyo, breaking into a short burst of giggles. "You can come with me next time."

"I don't know..."

"I know you're not the type to go to clubs but you really, really should try, now that you're in Tokyo."

"I have met people," Sakura said.

"You know what I mean, Sakura-chan." Tomoyo wiggled her eyebrows and stood up abruptly, clutching the armrest for balance.

With rose-tinted cheeks, Sakura shuffled pass Tomoyo. "I'm going to sleep. Good night."

"Don't be embarrassed, Sakura-chan!" Tomoyo yelled while following Sakura into her room. "I can introduce you to someone. He's really-" She bumped into Sakura who was barricading her bedroom door.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it." She grabbed Tomoyo by the shoulders and pushed her towards her own bedroom. "Now go to sleep. You have work in the morning too."

"You're seeing someone already, aren't you?" Tomoyo crossed her arms over her chest. "You're seeing that boy's dad and you didn't want to tell me. That's it, isn't it?"

"Tomoyo-chan, you're drunk. Go to sleep."

"It's true!" Her eyes flickered with excitement.

"No, it's not true!" Sakura laughed.

"Have you at least called him yet?"


"What are you waiting for then? Call him now." Tomoyo barged into Sakura's room and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Tomoyo-chan," Sakura groaned. "I can't call him at this time. It's nearly 3am."

"I'm not moving until you call him."

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