Chapter 7: Between the Two of Us

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November 2016

It was an agonising thirty minutes for Tomoyo until she arrived at Li Resorts. She pulled up in her white Camry that had chipped paint on the sides and scrambled out of the car door. Her eyes frantically searched the area for Sakura but it was to no avail. Her red dress wasn't in sight. There were groups of people standing outside, separated like different lion packs in the wild. On her left, a bunch of chauffeurs waited for their clients while smoking cheap cigars. On her right, there were guests waiting to be picked up. The shoes were off their feet and masks were in their hands but even so, there were traces of smiles that lingered on their lips. It had been a good night. A good night for them.

Tomoyo scrunched her nose at the smoke that wafted in her direction. She wasn't a fan of it, to say the least. It had even been one of the restrictions on the contract for a roommate she had sought just two months ago – non-smoker preferable – the contract had said.

She was well aware of the stares she was receiving. It was clear as day that she wasn't an employee or a guest. Her light blue, cotton pyjamas stood out amongst the sea of fancy tuxedos and expensive evening gowns. The purple, fluffy slippers didn't help her blend in much either. It didn't matter to her though. She was there for Sakura and Sakura alone. Her dignity and pride as a fashionista was put on hold for tonight.

Ignoring the stares, she pulled her beige cardigan tightly around her petite waist and made her way to the entrance of the hotel. Sakura wasn't outside so the only place that left was the inside. As she approached the rotating door that led into the foyer of the hotel, a young man in a suit stepped in front of her.

"Good evening, may I assist you with anything?" he asked, a tight smile plastered on his face. There were no signs of a mask on him but rather, only a badge adorned with 'Li Resorts' was pinned on the left side of his jacket.

Tomoyo returned his smile but she kept it brief. She stood on her tippy-toes, peering over the man's tall frame – trying to catch a glimpse of the interior. The man was quick to act when he caught onto what she was doing. He shuffled in the direction of her eyes, blocking her vision of the foyer. She settled down on her flat feet and gave a big huff.

"I'm looking for my friend," she explained. "She has light brown hair and she's wearing a red dress." The words left her mouth faster than she could think of them. "Her dress is made with lace. Lace– do you know what lace is?"

She tucked her hands under her arms, warming them in the cool weather. Sensing her distress, the man extended a hand to place on her shaking shoulders but she quickly moved away.

"Listen," he said, "I can't help you unless you give me a name. There were dozens of women wearing red dresses tonight."

"Kinomoto Sakura." The name flew out of her mouth. "She came with Hiiragizawa Eriol."

The man's brows formed a tight line at the mention of the latter name. "Hiiragizawa-san is not in attendance tonight."

Her head tilted at the information but she quickly shook away any assumptions that came to her mind. She would have to ask Sakura about it later because there was no doubt it was related to what had happened this evening.

"Well, if you excuse me, I need to find my friend now," Tomoyo said as she sidestepped around the man. She didn't make it anywhere near the entrance. The man's arm shot out and pulled her right back before she could even take a second step.

"I'm sorry but I can't let you enter," he said, to which Tomoyo's perfectly manicured eyebrow quirked at. "Celebrity guest lists mean tighter restrictions."

"But– but, I need to find my friend," Tomoyo spluttered out. "She needs me. She was crying on the phone—"

"I admire your creativity, lady but unfortunately, your little slip-up and lack of invitation means you won't be stepping one foot inside this hotel tonight," he grinned down at her as if he had just discovered her deepest, darkest secret.

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