Beauty and Ugliness

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"What I like about cities is that everything is king size, the beauty and the ugliness." - Joseph Brodsky

In my high school there is a division among the students. It's like this in every high school. The academically focused, the ones who have goals and plans and hopes and dreams. The well dressed, the ones who spend all their allowance money on new styles and the most expensive make up brands and the most popular shoes. The mannered, the ones who have financially stable parents and can eat gourmet meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

These are the beautiful people, according to the standards created by ignorant teenagers all completely oblivious to the world's real values.  

Beneath those viewed as beautiful are the ugly. The careless, the ones who go to school just because the law requires them to therefore homework is never completed and grades mean nothing. The reckless, the ones who spray paint their own school walls and test the authority of rules and teachers. The broken, the one's with parents that have given up on raising their own blood therefore forcing their children to find their own way. The curious, the ones who try whatever mixed chemical they can pour into a cup and smoke whatever they can roll up.

These are the ugly people, categorized by the beautiful and shamed as nothing of importance.

Keep in mind, the beautiful and the ugly do not always have physical features. Yes, often times the beautiful do indeed have pretty smiles and brushed hair, and perhaps the ugly have dark eyes and tainted fingertips. Yet sometimes pretty smiles hold ugly hearts and dark eyes hold bright dreams.

No one talks about a mixture among the ugly and the beautiful, because such things don't exist. The beautiful are among the beautiful and the ugly interact with the ugly and anything other than that would lead to a chaos no one would understand.

But perhaps a change is what the world needs to see. I mixture among the ugly and beautiful. I swirl or a smash together to see what chaos comes out of it.

Perhaps something more beautiful than the beautiful will survive.

Or something more hideous than the ugly will survive.

Maybe something will come out of the chaos so grand we won't even be able to describe it.

Now I won't tell you whether I am a part of the ugly or the beautiful. Throughout this story you might be able to piece together which division I am apart of, and you'll be able to guess what divisions my friends are in. It's not too important of a factor to know, but it'll give you a perspective, so to speak.

And even though the ugly and the beautiful are different beyond measures, there is one thing we all have in common.

We all want know of St. Cloud.

The city of disaster.

Where the ugly and the beautiful collide and cause a neon destruction.


A new piece, all the love💖

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