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Now that I have somewhat told you about my school and its people, both the beautiful and the ugly, I can now begin this story. You also now understand the concept of people being books and three people that have the power to tamper with it.

This specific story begins on a late night of June, the middle of summer. Gray and some of his friends were out late, driving around with bad intentions in mind. They were all young, sixteen to seventeen years of age, thus meaning they weren't old enough to realize the consequences of their actions. Yet let's be real, they didn't care even if they did know the consequences. They wanted to live, be wild, go crazy. They wanted to drink away their sorrows in an abandoned park while they could together, and they wanted to smoke away their worries while making stupid jokes to one another. They didn't want to feel anything while they could. While they were young. 

So they drove. Music loud with the base pulsing through their veins, laughter and shouts deafening, speed limits forgotten, lighters passed around the car, drinks tossed to one another, and not an ounce of second thoughts in the car.

They stopped in a col de sac, and the six of them that managed to squeeze into the small car, all hopped out recklessly loud and excited. They rolled up their blunts like professionals, saying their cheers as they lit them for one another. Smoke soon filled the air, and for a moment the world was still and the boys were happy. Their own version of happy.   

Until flashing red and blue lights caught their eyes. Like thieves they ran back to the car, Gray driving. They sped off, laughing, because somehow the event was humorous to a degree. Yet with foggy minds not thinking straight, the next thing they knew they were stopped on the side of the road with sirens behind them piercing through the night.

Gray was somewhat panicking, because first of all, marijuana was illegal to have possession of without a doubt. Now, driving while high? Even with a mind all over the place he knew he'd be getting in some trouble. Worst case scenario the police officer would call his mother. Then it would truly be game over.

The officer approached the window of the car, and instantly smelling the marijuana, he asked Gray to step out. Slowly, Gray did as asked while his friends were still laughing in the backseat. He was asked to follow the officer back to his car, and immediately Gray assumed he was about to be taken to jail.

Yet that's not what happened.

Instead, the officer asked,

"Why in the hell is a kid like you doing stuff like that out on the streets? Does your momma not love you boy?"

"No sir, she loves me." Gray nodded his head.

"Then I take it you have a house? A bed? A roof to sleep under?" The officer questioned.

"All of the above sir."

"Then may I ask why you're trying to ruin your life? If I were to charge you, it would go on your record and then say goodbye to college offers." The officer shrugged, and Gray did the same.

"Son, you're just a kid. Go home. Don't ruin it all just yet." The officer sighed.

"Yes sir."

"Take your friends home. If I catch you on my streets again, I won't be this easy. Make something of yourself."

Gray simply stared at the officer. He should've been charged with something right?

"Go on, get out of here."

Gray then went back to his own car, and he stayed silent the whole ride home. As he dropped off his friends, he kept questioning himself and who he was. Why didn't he get in more trouble? Why was he just let off the hook? For what?

That night, he came to a realization that maybe  he could be more? More than just a kid who rolled up blunts in his neighborhood and drove around racing the streets. Maybe, just maybe, he could be more.


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