xx The first xx

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Something unknown had happened on the top of the astronomy tower the night Albus Dumbledore died.Unknown to everyone,except Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Dumbledore,Harry Potter and none other than Severus Snape.

On the astronomy tower,Draco Malfoy stood shivering of fear,not of cold,and that fear,wasn't of the task that Voldemort had given him.It was of....losing someone.The only person that was the closest to his heart.Hermione Jean Granger.He loved her more than his own life.She was the only person he was afraid of leaving behind.

"You must disarm me,Draco.Do it now,before they come.",Albus Dumbledore said,his blue eyes piercing into Draco's grey ones."Can I....See her?One last time...Please.",Draco asked softly.Albus Dumbledore nodded."Yes,my boy.But you must first disarm me.The faster you do it,the more time you will get with her.",Albus Dumbledore said.Draco nodded,and muttered,"Expelliarmus!",and immediately Dumbledore's wand flew out of his hand.

At that exact moment,Hermione Granger banged the doors open and flew into Draco's arms,sobbing into his chest.He was shocked for a moment,but then he wrapped his arms around her,the last time he would do that in his life, probably.The steely gaze in his eyes softened as they landed on hers.She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Draco! You can't leave me like this!Draco I love you!Draco don't go!Draco....Please...",Hermione wailed,holding his hands.Dumbledore and Severus Snape stood watching their little moment.But Hermione was unaware of her best friend,Harry Potter who was present there too.

"After all this time,Draco?Why?I know you love me,Draco!Say something!Look me in the eye and tell me you don't!Draco!Look at me!",Hermione said,turning his face towards her.His stormy grey eyes locked her chocolate brown ones,and she realised that he was crying.

"Draco!We'll figure something out...You don't have to go!Draco I can't live without you!",Hermione said,sniffling.Draco had been silent all this time.He was taking in her beautiful petite figure,her confident posture,her breathtakingly wonderful eyes full of hope-and love,for him.Even when she was crying,she was beautiful.But it made his heart shatter into pieces.And looking at her like this,was even more painful than the task of killing Albus Dumbledore.

"Can't we do something, Professor?Please...",Hermione looked at both of them,desperately looking for any signs of saving the love of her life.They shook their heads and averted their eyes to the floor.Her eyes snapped back to Draco's."Say something,Draco.Please!", Hermione said,her tears falling much more quickly, streaming down her beautiful face.

Draco raised a hand and wiped a tear from her cheek."Be strong for me Hermione.I promise you I will come back for you.But you promise me you will be strong.For me,okay?And don't ever forget that no matter what happens,I'll always love you.Always, Hermione.You're my first and my last love.The world means nothing to me.You are my everything.I love you.Goodbye,Hermione Granger.",Draco said as he placed his palms on her cheek and kissed her on the head."Keep that pendant safe for me,huh,Granger?",Draco said with a smirk as Hermione nodded and clutched a green pendant with a heart hard in her hand.

And Draco kissed her.It was as though this was their last kiss.As though they were never going to meet again,and Hermione Granger had a gut feeling that that was exactly what was going to happen.And right in front of her,in her hands,Draco melted into the shadows.....Piece by piece he started waning away.It was almost like a dream-no for her,a nightmare.Possibly her biggest."Draco?NO!NO NO NO!PLEASE BRING HIM BACK!NO!! DRACO I LOVE YOU!DONT LEAVE ME ALONE,DRACO PLEASE!",Hermione screamed her loudest and Dumbledore and Snape watched her for a minute.

"Severus,take the potion.Take it!",Albus Dumbledore said.Severus Snape took out a flask,and lifted it up to his mouth.It was what looked like polyjuice potion.Hermione was thrown back to the wall on the side of Albus Dumbledore.Her hand was squeezed by another,and she yelped,only to hear no sound coming out.Albus Dumbledore had restrained her from doing anything.She had to watch everything,that meant.Watch everything carefully.She glanced towards her side and saw her best friend,Harry Potter.She gave his hand back a squeeze and watched,as Severus Snape drank the whole of the polyjuice potion.

Hermione let out a gasp as she saw Severus Snape change into Draco Malfoy in front of her eyes.She was puzzled.The all of a sudden,Harry let out a gasp of pain."Harry?!Are you alright?",Hermione whispered."Voldemort,he got into my hheadHe saw it,Hermione!He knows Draco didn't kill Dumbledore!But Dumbledore would know about this,right?You think I should tell him right now?!",Harry asked."I don't know..", Hermione started.

"Professor!",Harry screamed as loud as he could."I can hear you,Harry,no one else.",Albus Dumbledore said calmly."I know what happened.Its alright.", Dumbledore said.

What was going on?!But Hermione didn't have enough time to think because there was another bang at the foot of the staircase leading to the astronomy tower.And then in came Bellatrix Lestrange,followed by Fenrir Greyback,and a few other death eaters.Severus Snape stood in front of Albus Dumbledore,with Dumbledore's wand in his other hand,and his own wand pointing towards Albus Dumbledore.

"Do it,Draco.Do it!The Dark Lord would be proud of you!",Bellatrix giggled.The Snape-now-Draco, raised his wand,and shouted-"Avada Kedavra!",and both Hermione and Harry screamed,unheard, obviously,as the curse struck Albus Dumbledore,the greatest wizard of all time.And they watched Dumbledore fall,fall from the astronomy tower,to his death.

Bellatrix let out her inhuman laugh,and Greyback beared his teeth.Snape-now-Draco pretended to be disgusted-or was truly disgusted,no one had any idea."The deed is done.Let us go now,Draco.Let us leave.", Bellatrix whispered.As they stepped out of the castle gates,the charm on Hermione Granger and Harry Potter lifted,and before they themselves knew it,they were running after Bellatrix,Fenrir and Snape-now-Draco,their wands pointing at their backs.

"Sectumsempra!",Harry shouted in rage, pointing it at Snape-now-Draco."You dare use my own spell on me,Potter?", Snape-now-Draco said, turning around.Before they could say anything,they were hit by an invisible curse,and they blacked out.

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