xx The second xx

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Draco Malfoy

He remembered the first time he got on to the Hogwarts train.There was so much of hustle and bustle,so much noise.Something that his father hated.Draco missed his father.He was hardly at home nowadays.Mother said he had gone for a mission.What mission was so much more important than a son?

"Draco,honey,let's go.You just have to run at the-",Narcissa Malfoy was cut off by a little bushy haired toothy girl who had walked up to them just when they were about to go.She looked very confident,and she was...inexperienced,it seemed."Um..Can you...Please..How do I...",she stuttered,afraid she would say something wrong."You want to know how to reach the station,my dear?",Narcissa Malfoy asked,smiling.She nodded,relieved that the lady had understood.

Narcissa knelt down so that her face was level with the little girl's,and she smiled at her."Okay,dear,all you have to do is walk through the wall.It might feel strange and nauseous at first,and if you're nervous,I suggest you run through it.My son will go with you if you're scared,alright?",Narcissa asked.The little girl nodded."Draco...Come here.Hold on to her trolley tight,okay?You'll help her,won't you?You both go together,I'll bring Draco's trolley after you.",Narcissa said.

"You ready?",Draco asked the girl."Yeah.",she replied and took a deep breath as they ran into the wall together.When they vanished,Narcissa Malfoy smiled to herself.Maybe Draco could find new friends.Everything wouldn't be so bad.But she could tell he was still upset about where his father was.The truth was that even she herself didn't know Lucius' whereabouts.He just wrote to her in letters informing how he was and asking about Draco.And she wrote back to him.That was all.

She took a deep breath as she ran into the wall, emerging on the other side."Hello dears.Are you alright?",she asked,smiling."Yes mrs.Malfoy.Thankyou for your help.I'm Hermione Granger.Pleased to meet you!",Hermione said,giving a toothy smile and extending her hand for Narcissa to shake."No problem,my dear.Its my pleasure to meet you too!Where are your parents?They should have helped you,right?",Narcissa asked,shaking her hand."Oh no,they're not wizards or anything."Hermione said."Oh,you're a muggle-born..",Narcissa said."What?", Hermione asked."Nothing,my dear.There,that's your train.If you need any help,you can ask Draco,dear.He'll be glad to help you.Won't you,honey?",Narcissa asked.

Draco smiled at Hermione."Yep.A girl like you I would help, definitely.",he said."Let's get on,shall we?",he asked her,and she grinned."Yeah sure.",she said,smiling.After they were loaded,they parted ways.Narcissa waved to her son and he waved back."Be good,my dear!",she said and sent him a flying kiss."Mum!I've grown up!Stop doing that!",Draco said,blowing up like a hot air balloon.He loved his mother no matter what.

Meanwhile,on the train,Hermione Granger was looking for an empty compartment.She passed by his and Draco saw her,again.Something was there in this girl that Draco liked, but he couldn't put a finger on it.Still,he got up and called out to her."Hey, Hermione!You wanna come sit with me?",Draco asked."Thanks!",she flashed a smile at him and loaded her things into his compartment."You and your mom,you guys are so sweet! Thanks for all the help.",Hermione said."Oh no problem.You see,my mum wanted a girl.She didn't get one,so she thinks every girl is her daughter.She's strange,that way,but she's great.",Draco said.

She was very easy to talk to.She was amazing,in fact.They got acquainted very quickly.Draco told her about his father and she comforted him.He filled her in about Hogwarts,all its houses and magic,but it seemed as though she already knew all of it."Seriously haven't you started Hogwarts:A history ?I thought everyone would have read it before me!",she said, shocked.Draco could tell she was a nerd.In fact,he could fudging smell it even from two feet away!He liked this girl.He wanted her to be in Slytherin.That would be amazing!He would have an amazing friend.

When the food trolley came,she was so excited she almost fell off her seat."Hey!Take it easy,Hermione!",Draco said,laughing."I love sweets,Draco.So don't..You know..Freak out...",Hermione said, embarassed.Draco laughed so hard that day,his stomach and cheeks began to ache just halfway through the journey.She kept stuffing in food and talking with a full mouth.That was what made him laugh so much.He had never laughed that much,really.

"Hey,Hermione? Which house would you want to be in?",Draco asked."Um.I don't know...Uh,I think Gryffindor,maybe?",she asked. Draco's heart immediately fell.Gryffindor of all the houses? Gryffindor was like Slytherin's arch enemy!"Draco?Are you okay?You look sick..",Hermione asked, concern washing over her face."Yeah,I'm fine.",Draco said,forcing a smile."What is your favourite house?",Hermione asked."Slytherin.",Draco said."I've always wanted to be in Slytherin.I don't think we'll gel well,Hermione.Gryffindors hate Slytherins.", Draco said,his smile dropping away.It was easy to tell Hermione things.She was very understanding.

"That's not true,Draco!You know that's not.We could still be friends.I don't hate you!In fact,I really really like you.You're amazing.", Hermione said,simply."Yeah.",Draco replied,not fully convinced.He maybe had to forget about her.She got up."I have to change,Draco.You should do the same.I'll be back in a jiffy,alright?",Hermione said.Only,she wasn't going to.

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