Chapter 4: Crush

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Jafar P.O.V

  I-I told him....I sit there amazed at my courage staring at Markus for any response. Hopefully he doesn't ask me about Malory, sadly as it sounds after knowing she doesn't appreciate me I started using her as my guard,
I mean I've never told anyone but I believe I'm gay and you guessed it. She was my cover for the time being. I wish I could come out but my father...if he ever found out he would beat me senseless. My father doesn't even know about Markus liking boys and it will stay that way.

  Markus finally turns toward me and smiles, what? Why is he smiling? He's supposed to be mad and stop talking to me. "Oh thank god!" He says which makes me more confused. "I like you too Jafar! I have for a long time." He says grabbing my hand and holding it. I breathe with relief and smile, he smiles too revealing his fangs. "Markus you better eat soon, your fangs are showing." I respond with and he nods, getting up and heading over to the forest disappearing out of sight. *sigh* I kinda hate this. He's going out to eat, I only hate it cause sometimes he can be gone for hours or maybe even days. Hopefully today it's hours.

  I feel a vibration in my pocket and reach in and grab out my phone looking down at the screen. Its a text message from Malory. Um...okay? I'm confused here, I open the message and it reads: Could you tell Markus that he's invited to Mt party? Thanks hun. Wow what fucking nerve this bitch has. *sigh. I look up from my phone just as Markus walks out from the forest. Hmmm guess it was an hour today. He starts to smile then stops when he reads my expression. "Whats wrong Jaff?" He asks worriedly. I sigh and run a hand through my hair and flip my phone screen, facing him and he reads it. He smiles and laughs, "Sweet a good reason for the both of us to get out of the house!" I shake my head and cover my face with my hands, "You don't get it Markus. She only wants you, she wouldn't give two shits about me." I respond with irritation. "So? Who cares what she thinks?" He grabs my hands and I stand up, gazing into his eyes.

  He smiles and leans close and places his forehead against mine. "I'm always here, I promise Jaff."  I nod and smile. Then I frown thinking about my father and what he'll do to me. Markus lifts my head with his finger underneath my chin. "Fuck your father, but for the sake of my love for you I'll be careful with others around. They won't think a thing about us. I swear." I realized he read my mind, sometimes I forget he isn't human. I smile and nod, he drops his arms from around me. "We should get home Jaff. Don't want your dad to be a Dick again." He motions me to get on his back, I close my eyes and hold my breath knowing what will happen next.

  Before I know it I'm on the sidewalk next to my house and I drop from his back. I stumble and grab the light post for help. Jesus I'll never get used to that. He never warns me when he'll run extremely fast. Oh dammit, I feel it coming up my stomach and my throat and I throw up in the grass. Markus pats my back for comfort, "Sorry. I forgot to warn you again knowing you have motion sickness." He says face palming himself. "Yeah thanks ya dick." I say getting up, Markus hands me a napkin and I wipe my mouth. Markus goes to hug me, but remembers his promise and punches my arm playfully. "See you later Jafar." He starts walking down the street and I walk up to my porch opening my door. "Jafar is that you?" Calls my father from the living room and I enter in, making his head turn to look at me. "How was school?" He asks and I shrug signaling that nothing happened. He looks back at the t.v. and starts laughing hard.

  I walk closer to examine what he's laughing at and its a man beating another man holding a, "Gay is okay" sign...*sigh* "Did you see that boy?" He asks me and I put on a fake smile and nod. He smiles at me, "Im glad my son gets all them pretty girls and is no gay." He says with disgust, I grin to win his approval and he turns back to the t.v. and starts laughing again. I tell him I gotta do homework and head upstairs. My mother walks pass me, holding a tray of cookies and milk and notices I'm upset so she stops me. My father starts laughing again and she looks at me knowing. "I'm sorry sweetheart." She says placing her hand on my cheek to reassure me. She's the only one that knows of my sexual orientation and I'm happy to say she loves me the same. We've kept it a secret from him cause know, he's homophobic, the abusive kind.

  She smiles showing me it's okay, hands me some cookies and a glass of milk and kisses my forehead. She walks away into the kitchen and I proceed to my room. I open my door and shut it. I sit on my bed and I'm overcome with thoughts of Markus and the party two days from now. More thoughts enter my head, what if I can't hide this? What happens if my father finds out? That I already knew the answer of which sent shivers down my spine.

          ~DAY GROWS TO NIGHT~

I'm laying in my bed and it's 12:02 am. I couldn't sleep so I went over to my computer and got on the internet. My parents have been asleep since 9pm so I'm not gonna get caught, they are pretty heavy sleepers. *tap tap* I look up from my computer screen over to my window and see Markus looking back at me. I get up from my seat and open my window letting him in. He gracefully glides in and lays on my bed like a model. I close my window and close my curtains also, I walk over to my door and lock it just incase my parents get up.

  I turn around and and rest myself up against my door looking at the sight on my bed. He smirks and says seductively, "Thought you could use some company Jaffy." I swallow nervously and walk over to my bed and stand infront of him, he sits up looking in my eyes and smirks. "Excited?" I look at him puzzled and look down at my boxers and curse silently, how did I not feel myself getting...ugh whatever. I blush and try to hide my growing tent which makes me blush even more. Markus smirks and moves my hands.


He stands up and takes off my shirt and begins rubbing me making my breath hitch. My mind is racing trying to get answers, is this  really happening!? Markus tilts his head obviously reading my thoughts and starts  sucking on my collarbones leaving hickeys. It drives me wild and I try everything to keep any sound escaping my lips but it was so hard. (Pun intended.)  Then I feel this piercing pain in the spot between my neck and shoulder, it then turned to pleasure and I sighed from pleasure.

  He steps away and two little bite marks remain where he bit me. I regain my breathing and realize I was sweating a bit. He motions me towards my bed and I happily lay down, god I wanted him now but I wasn't sure if I was ready. "We won't go that far Jaff if your not comfortable." He says whispering in my ear making me want him more and I nod. He kisses down my neck, my chest and stomach towards my boxers. My breath hitches again and he pauses as if to get permission. I nod and brace myself, he rips my boxers off. Dammit Markus those were my favorite, he looks at me like he's apologizing and goes back to what he was doing.

  Next thing I know he has engulfed me and grip the sheets trying so hard not to moan. His head bobs up and down causing my body to tingle and my breathing to go rugged. He scratches my side causing me to moan and I quickly cover my mouth praying no one heard me. Markus smirks and proceeds, fucking dick. He chuckles and keeps doing what he's doing making me close to climaxing. I shiver and grab his hair and my breath hitches. He swallows it up and smirks, I bit my lip and he leans down to kiss me and it turns into a full make out session.

          ***SEXY TIME IS OVER***

He pulls away and we both try to catch our breath. In the speed of light he already hands me a pair of my boxers and I put them on and lay back in bed looking back at him. He traces my abs and smirks, "I'm guessing you have to leave soon?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Nope I'm staying." He says back without hesitation. I smile and nod, I lay under the blankets and he does the same wrapping his arms around me from behind and I feel his breath against my neck. I blush, I haven't been this happy in a long time. "Sleep sweet prince." Markus says and before I know it I'm already dead asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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