discussing the mission

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*nicol wakes up in an unfamiliar bed

Klim:"oh you woke up"*lays hand on nicol' s shoulder.

Nicol:"ahh! You scared me."*almost falling of the bed from the unexpected voice.

Klim:"oh sorry I didnt mean to.Are you feeling alright now?"

Nicol:what do you mean?* nicol stares    to oblivion for five seconds before realizing what happened. "Did I went crazy again?and what happened to your cheek?"

Klim:"wait your saying you don't remember?"

Nicol:"well no...people keep telling me that whenever someone calls me little or coward I just snap out of control, but I always  afterwards the fight or whatever I just fall unconscious and don't remember anything"

Klim:"so your just like me, only that I do it all the time"*smiles

Nicol:" I wouldn't say "just like you" but I guess your right"

Klim:"well we better get going cause Alex and andam are waiting for us in the cafe shop"

Nicol:"ok well let's go"


*klim and nicol arrive to the cafe shop just to find Adam arguing with Alex

Klim:"hey! What's going on?"*klim said while getting in between them

Adam:"Alex thinks we shouldn't take the fight to the death one!"

Alex:"only because I don't want anyone to get hurt you dumbass"


Klim:"did you just giggle?"


Klim:"keep doing it. It was cute"


Klim:"anyhow you can do whatever you want cause I already went and took the job to escort mister zenny, and I'm taking nicol with me"


Klim:yeah. You don't have no choice since you cut me.*laughs

Nicol:"ok..."*says this knowing she has no way out of it

Adam:"and what about us?!?"

Alex:"we'll just take the one to find the treasure chests"

Adam:"hope it's fun cause if it's not I'm gonna kill you with annoyance"

Alex:"fine I'll take it"

Klim:"then let's get ready to go tomorow"

Nicol:"see you guys tomorrow"*waves at them while walking away

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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