Chapter 1

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"What the fuck are you doing Simon?!" Nikki shouts angrily, she isn't in one of her best moods today as she just heard back from an interview and she didn't get the job. Apparently "escort" isn't a proper job and a good skill to work in a library. There's two sides to Nikki, she is Simon's whore most of the time but also she is too good for him, she's an angelic 24 year old who just wants her boyfriend to have a great career whilst she reads books and cooks for him.

Simon doesn't even have a job, he has around 200 failed scams, he's 44 and hasn't worked a single day in his life. recently it's getting worse, his drug use. Nikki hates it when Simon does cocaine, but she can't stop him, he's stubborn and doesn't give two shits about what his women tell him. Nikki and Simon only recently became exclusive, she made him bin off his other whores he'd use for his "business meetings".

"I'm so sorry baby, I promise you I'm cutting down on the cocaine" says Simon very softly, walking up to Nikki and tucking her hair behind her ear. He grabs Nikki by her waist, pulls her in and kisses her so gently.

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