Chapter 3

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It's taking ages for Simon to nip to the shop, Nikki is wondering what the fuck he's got up to, knowing him he's probably bumped into a few pals and then went to the pub. She's been staring at the piled cocaine on the coffee table for about an hour now, she's never tried cocaine before and it's just staring at her. Nikki finds a credit card and prepares a line out of it, Simon won't notice anyway, she snorts a line of cocaine and she's instantly picked up and swept away from everything.

She feels like she is on top of the world, she walks over to the speakers and puts on some Beyoncé, dancing away to every single song. Nikki completely forgot the time and realises that she burnt the biscuits, angry and still high she throws them across the kitchen, she feels this rage running through her, her blood pumping twice the speed and now she knows how Simon feels most of the time. "Fuck I'm never doing that aga-" the door slams shut, she peaks her head around the corner and Simon comes back with a huge bunch of flowers and new lingerie for her in a fancy bag.

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