Darkness: Manon

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There is a darkness in the world, an echoing darkness full of malice and pain. Manon Blackbeak was well accustomed to the darkness, very well accustomed. She was used to the shadow of fear, The Ironteeth witches were known for their ruthlessness and cruelty, for the darkness that inhabits their hearts, coupled with fierce wyverns and you were paired against a foe quite hard to defeat, she would know, she was one of them. The difference between her and those of her heartless kind was that she was fighting for the right side, for the side where she had found acceptance and friendship. It was funny how she and Aelin were so similar, they were both sadistic and cunning while also just learning how to be the Queens they were born to be. If you had told her 6 months ago that she, Manon Blackbeak, would become great friends with the (aptly named Fire-Breathing- B**ch) Queen of Terrasen, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, she would have laughed at you then slit your throat. And yet here she was, tearing through enemy after enemy with her iron claws and long sword, these weakling Yellowlegs never stood a chance against her. The battle was going smoothly, but she could tell that things were about to go wrong.
Up in the front lines, there was an explosion. It was so sudden that everyone, be they Valg or Friend, froze. Looking towards the explosion sight, she saw Aelin down on both knees and gripping her sword as if it were a life line, the Dark King stood looming over her, smirking. It seems that Erawan had decided to stop playing around. Manon bared her sharp iron teeth and smiled; 'Good. I was getting bored, time for the fun!'

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