Determined: Elide

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Determination had gotten her far. It had helped her keep up the will to survive in the mountains, it allowed her to accept Kaltain's help and escape, and it had finally lead her to Aelin, her Queen. She survived because she had to, she survived because she needed to help Aelin save the world from the Valg. Determination had lead her to Lorcan. 
Elide was not stupid, she knew she was most likely slowing Lorcan down by forcing him to protect her. She couldn't fight, and she was crippled, she held no place in this war. But here she was, attempting to fight side by side with the Thirteen, fighting for the survival determination had granted her. She wasn't sure that they could win, the battle had already proven to be a bloody massacre. But she knew that if they didn't, Aedion, Rowan and Aelin, would make sure that the Valg fell with them. And for that she kept on fighting, swearing to any who would listen that they would not die in vain, the world would not face the same consquences that came from Elena and Gaven Havillard's mistakes so many centuries ago. The world would not face the Dark King's evil, of that she was certain. Determination had gotten her far, and now it would lead them to victory, just as she knew it would.

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