Under Pressure

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"How do you feel being demoted from the first line to the fourth? Can you explain what happened?" A voice called out from the slew of reporters swarming the players at the Olympic Arena. 

"I am pretty much indifferent to it. In fact, I don't believe it was a demotion at all. If my skills are needed much more on one line than another, well then, I am happy to contribute wherever I belong. And Herb felt I would best contribute with Wells and Verchota. That is what happened," he replied, with a jubliant grin and spring in his step. 

"Do you think that you deserve better? How has your father reacted?" Another voice shouted from the crowd. 

"I don't believe that at all. I am perfectly happy no matter where I play,  as long as I get to contribute, no matter how much," he replied, shrugging his shoulders. 

"But how does your father feel about this? Doesn't he want you to carry on his legacy?" The reporter continued, outstretching his microphone. 

"I don't think he minds, he just wants to see me actively involved. As long as I don't quit, well even if I did quit, he'll always support me. That's a fact."

"Does Herb give you special treatment because of your father? Do you believe you are living up to his expectations?"

Taken aback by the question, he paused for a moment before shaking his head. "Absolutely not. When I was little, my dad used to coach Herbie, and he was a toughie. So if anything, I think he might be looking to get payback on our family more so than giving me any special treatment." With a small chuckle, he began heading towards the team bus when he suddenly stopped and turned back around. 

"While you may assume that I have to live up to standards that meet my dad's accomplishments, in reality you guys, the media, are the only ones that make me out to be under pressure. That couldn't be farther from the truth." 

"You really don't believe you have any pressure on yourself?"

"I really don't. You know why? 'Cause I'm not my dad. I'm not Art. Hell, I'm not even close to being Mark Johnson. But that doesn't bother me one bit. Because I'm not living up to anyone else's standards. I'm Eric. Eric Strobel, and I couldn't be happier being me." 

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