OC's Playin' Baby

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This is dedicated to Michael Mantenuto, who played Jack O'Callahan in "Miracle". May his soul find eternal peace. ❤️

February 14, 1980 USA vs CZECHS

Herb Brooks walked into locker room 5 with nothing but absolute confidence. He believed that a coach's attitude would fuse into his players.

"I want everyone dressed tonight." Walking over towards Mac, who refused to look Herb in the eyes, he rapped out, "You better be ready to go 100%."

Walking back to the middle of the locker room, Herb pointed a finger at Jack. "Don't get any ideas. Just because I'm having you dress, doesn't mean I'm gonna let you on that ice, Jack."

Rolling his eyes, Jack retorted, "How come you'll let him go but not me?"

Ignoring Jack, Herb continued, "Johnson line starts. Let's get ready to skate." With that, he left the locker room.

Halfway through the game, Jack was starting to get anxious on the bench. He was highly considering telling Morrow that he was going to reclaim his shifts.

"Don't do it. I know what you're thinking. Don't do it, Jack."


"Herb will let you go soon, I promise. Don't try to jump the gun," Phil replied, giving Jack a supportive pat.

February 16, 1980 USA vs NORWAY

"Coneheads starting. Everyone dressed, 19 playing," Herb tersely commanded, before leaving the locker room.

"Are you kidding me?" Jack called out, running his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Relax, OC. You'll get your shot," Rizzo reassured him from across the small room.

"When?" Motioning to Robby, he continued, "He gets hurt, Herb forces him to keep playing. I get hurt a week ago and he won't even let me touch the ice! Where the fuck is that logic?"

"You wanna be in my position? Well, you can have it," Rob muttered, tying his skate laces.

"I'm just not understanding why Herb won't let me go, okay? How will he know without testing me out?" Jack replied, throwing his hands in the air.

"Your time will come soon, OC."

February 18, 1980 USA vs ROMANIA

"I want Christoff with McClanahan and Johnson. Strobel with Broten and Eruzione. First line starts. Same line up as Norway. Let's get a good win in, boys," Herb rapped out, before exiting the locker room with the team's doctor.

"I cannot fucking take this!" Jack yelled. "I'm ready to go, I know I am!"

"Just wait for Herb's okay, Jack. Don't disobey him, or you won't play at all," Bill Baker warned.

Watching his team play without him, Jack became extremely overwhelmed. He wanted nothing more than to play for his country, and his opportunity was passing before his eyes.

Throwing his head into his gloves, he felt a tap on the back. Looking up, he was eye to eye with Craig Patrick.

Whispering into Jack's ear, Craig began, "Be ready to go, OC. I'm not promising anything, but make sure you're ready."

Overcome with excitement, Jack felt his heart flutter. "Thank you, Craig!"

"Just remember, no promises." Winking, Craig walked to the other end of the bench where Herb was.

Shaking from excitement, Jack was ready to just burst out onto the ice. The third period was now halfway over, and he was starting to become worried that he wouldn't get his chance. Finally settling in on the fact that he wasn't going to get to play, Jack took off his gloves and massaged his temples.

"Next shift, OC."

Eyes wide, Jack turned around. "What?"

"You're taking the next shift," Herb replied.

As Baker and Christian were skating to the bench, Jack and Rammer were getting ready to hop over.

As they looked at each other, and Rammer shot him a big smile, Jack screamed, "OC's playin' baby!" Leaping over the bench, he rushed out onto the ice. Slamming into the first Romanian he saw, he pushed the puck out to Riff, who handled it and scored.

As the celebration headed to the bench, someone behind Jack whispered, "Way to be out there, OC."

Turning around, Jack became confused when he saw that there was no one behind him. In fact, Herb was the closest person that was behind the bench.

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