Chapter 6

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A/N HEYO it's meh here with a chapter coming at ya! "Go home" I am home. My throat doesn't hurt anymore yay! But my throat IS like clogged and my nose is also. And I'm so dizzy but YOLO It's a GUCCI DAY! BADADADADUUWAAAH IDK ANYMORE WHAT I'M DOING HAHAHAHA

(Jerome's POV)

I wonder what Mitch is going to show me. I am excited, yet... Afraid. He went into a dusty cardboard box. He fumbled through it, then took out a large blue book of some sort. He smirked as he walked over to me. He set the book down in between us. He opened the book. It said 'To Jerome' he flipped the page to reveal two pages full of pictures of Mitch and I. They were from as early as Elementary school. He put the exact date that every photo was taken and where it was. I stared in awe, flipping through a countless amount of pages, each having at least ten pictures on them. I laughed when I saw the picture of us "kissing" from the livestream. Every picture was glued on and cut out. It looked amazing and it seemed like he spent so much time on it.

"Happy birthday, biggums." He smiled his perfect smile, embracing me in a hug. His arms were strong, yet gentle somehow when touching me. I hugged him back. I totally forgot about my birthday! Six days ago was Mitch's birthday, but I only got him an xbox game that he has been wanting for a while. His was so much more thoughtful and intricate (yes I'm using that word why not).

"Thank you so much. You're the best friend any guy could ask for." We ended the hug, and I took the scrapbook into my hands carefully.

"Shall we go eat cereal now?" Mitch asked, obviously hopeful that I would agree. I nodded my head, and we raced upstairs. Kayleigh was sitting on the couch in Mitch's living room, talking to someone on the phone. She seemed slightly fearful, but I didn't want to worry Mitch right now. I'm sure she would tell us if something happened. Mitch grabbed a box of cereal out of his cupboards, got two spoons, two bowls, and some milk. He poured the cereal and milk, and we ate. Mitch has been zoning out lately. I don't know what he's thinking about, but I just hope that when he sees that his parents are alright, he will return to his normal, happy self. As we were eating, we discussed things that we could do while in Canada. I don't want him to stay in the hospital, staring at his parents. He has to keep his mind away from his mom and dad as much as possible. Kayleigh walked up to us, sitting in the dark red stool next to Mitch.

She whispered something to Mitch. I watched his face go pale. More than it already was.

(Mitch's POV)

Kayleigh sat next to me. Her voice slightly shaky, she lightly said into my ear, "mom isn't happy with you." I knew why, and my throat got tight. I looked at Jerome, who seemed very concerned. I put my elbows on the table, resting my head in my palms. (That makes sense right?) I knew I would be blamed for it. It was my fault, why did I have to do that?

"Mitch? Is everything okay?" Jerome's brown eyes sparkled with curiosity and care.

"Yeah, I'm gucci. Are we going now?" I tried to sound like a man who was just married, but I needed up sounding like one who has been married for twenty years (ohohoo you are so funny. But seriously go and rethink your life decisions).

"Uh yeah. I have to get something first." Kayleigh bolted up the stairs.

"Uh, Jerome, I'll be right back. I'm going to the bathroom." He nodded. I walked into my bedroom, and opened my dresser. I found the small black box, and hurriedly went to the bathroom. (WARNING STUFF HAPPENS SORRY) I locked the door, and set the box by the sink. I sat on the raggedy carpet, and rolled up my sleeves. There was hardly any room on my wrists for me to 'draw' on. I rolled my sleeves back up, and lifted my pant leg up. Perfect. I grabbed the box, and took out the new blade. I haven't used this one ever, for this one was to be used for emergencies. This was one. My other blade was downstairs withy my luggage. I started by gently grazing the metal across my thigh. It lightly bled, but I wanted to feel more pain. 'For being myself.' I cut deep. 'For being gay.' I cut deeper. 'For liking someone who will never like you back.' I cut even deeper. 'For being a useless piece of shit.' This cut hurt like hell, and the blood came rushing out. I cut a few more times, then I couldn't stand the pain anymore. I limped to the sink and grabbed some tissues. I wiped the blood off of my legs and blade. It was going to be difficult to walk without wincing. I had to suck it up, I guess. I gently put the blade back in the box, and unlocked the door. I left my room and Jerome was in the couch waiting for me.

"Where have you been? Kayleigh is waiting in the car now. You ready?" Jerome stood up and started opening the front door. Before I could answer he went outside and hopped in the car. I got my shoes and coat on, and walked outside carefully. This was going to be a long car ride.

A/N YAY YOU FOUND OUT WHAT THE SURPRISE WAS! I know it was lame and unoriginal. WHATEVA I'm a platypus MWHAHA sorry for it not being the best ever. And sorry for the cutting AGAIN! Cutting is not something that should be taken lightly. If you are cutting, please talk to someone. Heck, I'm here to talk to you if you want. I'm not the best at talking, but I will try my best if you need help. I felt like this chapter was "terrible?" No. "A disgrace against human kind?" Yes, but no. I was going to say short. "Oh..." Well now my self confidence is lowered. "Just remember, that you had two friends at your birthday party." Is that supposed to help? "Nope." THANKS JIMMY! "My name is Thooooomas." ANYWAY... BAI MAH TATERTOTS OF TATERYNESS WHAT

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