Chapter 13

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A/N this will be short because I suck. Some people told me to continue (thanks mom, by the way). So I will try to write this story to the best of my abilities. My ability has gone downhill and I'm sorry please don't leave me I love you. WINTER SLEEP SHOULD BE ADDED TO THIS STORY I THINK IT IS I JUST LOVE IT THE SINGING IS WEIRD BUT IT IS REALLY CATCHY I THINK IT WAS FROM AN ANIME CALLED NANA I WATCHED A FEW EPISODES IDK WHY I FOUND IT AND WAS LIKE HMM ARE THEY STRAIGHT BUT THEY WERE SO I STOPPED BECAUSE EW STRAIGHT PEOPLE ARE GROSS. K CONTINUE TO YOUR UN-REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAM.

(Mitch's POV)
Jason's eyes lit up. "Really?" I groan in my mind. People are so clueless sometimes.

"Yeah, I thought it was obvious."

"Oh my God..." Jason regroups himself, and softly says, "Your turn." His smile is quite visible, even in the dim lighting.

"O-oh... Um..." My voice sounds hoarse and I attempt to choke out the name.

"Is it Jerome?" I swear my eyes bulged out of my head when he finished that sentence. I faintly nodded, but he saw it anyways.

"I-I kn-now h-he's s-straight," I barely managed to squeak out. He chuckles lightly.

"And you think I'm clueless." I stare at him in confusion.


"C'mon, dude. It's so obvious he has the hots for you. I mean, who wouldn't?" What is he talking about?

"A-are you implying t-that I'm..."

"Hot? Yeah. Do you see the comments on your videos? All of the girls talk about are how beautiful you are. Some of them are even pretty... Disturbing, to say the least." Jason's face cringes with memories. What a lying little shit.

"Thanks, Jason." Thanks for the bullshit.

"Let's make a deal."

"What?" Oh God, I'm screwed.

"I'll ask Tyler out if you ask Jerome." I stare at him, searching for any indication of sarcasm.

"Are y-you serious?" Jerome would never want me. Jason's tricking me. He wants me to lose my friend.

"Yeah. Come on man, he'll say yes. If he doesn't then I'll knock some sense into him."

"Gee willigers don't do that."

"Gee willigers??? Are you on crack, Mitch?"

"Maybe a little," it casually rolled off my tongue.

"So are you going to?"


"Okay." Jason's eyes gleamed and he seemed satisfied with my lies.

"Alright then. I'll ask Tyler tomorrow and you ask Jerome. Goodnight Mitch."

And with that, he gleefully skipped away with the most style I've seen since my days in the war. The FASHION WAR jk but he was pretty swag. I sat on the couch, and I found myself smiling. Not a fake smile, but a genuine smile. It felt good.


I lazily stretch my arms and yawn as I sit up. Pfft, I'm not telling Jerome. What a dork. I hear failure coming from the kitchen, so I make an educated guess that it's Jerome. When I walk into the kitchen, I give my hypothesis a sticker. Jerome is holding an egg shell, with the yolk slowly sliding off of it and plummeting to the floor. I look at Jerome's face, the dismay and utter disappointment as clear as the mess on the ground.

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