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"Hey, mom?" Aston started up a conversation with his mom as they sat on the breakfast table.

"Yes?" She said, looking up from her kindle.

"Can I ask you a question?" Aston seemed confused.

"Oh! Look who's decided to grace us with his presence!" Orion came down the stairs, interrupting them.

"Morning, dad." Aston rolled his eyes.

"So, what brings you home today?" Orion snickered as he sat down for breakfast.

"He just walked in half an hour ago." Jane smiled knowingly as she kept her kindle aside.

Aston sighed. "I know I've been out a lot of nights recently. And I'm sorry for that."

"It's all good." Orion laughed heartily. "We know where you've been."

"You do?" Aston raised a brow.

"It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you're spending all your time with Emma." Jane shrugged.

"How'd yo-wait-hold up." Aston shifted in his seat. "How do you know it's Emma?"

"Well, we didn't until just now." Orion laughed.

Aston muttered. "Why would you guess Emma?"

"Oh, darling." Jane shook her head. "You guys were stuck to each other at Keira's engagement party."

"And we saw you two make out on the dance floor." Orion shrugged.

Aston sighed in defeat. "Well, yes. We both are dating."

"You found a terrific girl." Orion beamed at his son while Jane nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, dad." Aston rolled his eyes.

"Try to hang on to her." Orion advised and Aston smirked mockingly.

"Anyway, dear. You wanted to ask me a question?" Jane went back to their topic.

"Ah, yes." Aston nodded. "Suppose, your father didn't speak to you for five years and then suddenly he comes back into your life just to apologise and talk, and you weren't giving him a chance but suppose dad helps you out and makes you meet him and it works out, would you hate him for it?"

Jane stared at him for a while. "I...what?"

"Just suppose." Aston urged.

"I suppose I wouldn't...?" Jane questioned.

"Is this related to Emma?" Orion guessed.

"Well, yes." Aston leaned forward in his seat.

"I suggest you leave her alone and let her make her own decisions." Orion looked at him seriously.

"Mom?" Aston turned to his mother.

"I think you should explain it to her that her father may mean well and she should at least talk to him." Jane opinionated.

Orion sighed. "Don't do it, son."

Jane looked hopeful. "Her father could be genuinely apologising."

Aston looked back and forth his parents before slamming his palm on the table decisively. "I'm gonna do it."

Orion rolled his eyes. "Dumbass."


"Are you nervous?"

Emma smiled into the phone.

Not You Again. (to be deleted) Where stories live. Discover now