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A/N: This is my first fanfic i'm sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar.I was watching the short films and blood, sweat and tears for like a 100 time and i got this idea. I hope you like it! Requests and asks are open.

You take a long look at yourself in the mirror in your apartment. You recently moved here from America, and it was the first day at Kingheart academy. You notice how your school uniform was a little too big for you, as it was new. You looked at your watch noticing the time, you ruched to get your bag and leave. Your apartment was right next to a creepy old forest, and luckily the school was not far, so it only took you 5 minutes to get there.

You take a deep breath before steeping in to the school, as soon as you step in you can feel the magic bouncing off the walls. Kingheart academy was a school meant for humans and supernatural creates. But that was all you knew. You took you timetable out to see what class you had. Math, great. Being a new student you had no idea where to go. As you were looking around confused, a girl supported you. "Are you lost" she said, you looked at her blankly before nodding "my name is Mimi, what class to you have?" From her aura you can see that she was a shapeshifter, but not a powerful one. "oh I have maths" you smiled at her "my name is Y/N" you bowed and gave her your timetable. "You're in my class just follow me" she smiled. You nodded and followed her. We were making small talk walking down the corridor, just about where you came from things like that. After walking up some stairs we reached the class room.

You stopped and looked at the door before going in, feeling butterfly's in your stomach. As you walk in, a wall of sound hits you. Boys were sitting on the edge of the tables throwing scorched up paper. Girls laughing to one each other. Mimi offed the seat next to her so you took it gratefully, you were kinda glad that you make some sort of a friend on your first day of school. Before you could take your seat the professor walked in looking grumpy telling everyone to shut up. You sat at a table of six next to the window. You sat right next to Mimi with 2 boys and a girl opposite you. They were all human, but from the black haired boy on the other side of the table. He had his head on the table sleeping.

He had perfect pale skin like snow, and hair black as the night sky. He had powerful magic redating off him, he was an element user but you didn't know what he can control, or even control more than one. Mimi noticed you staring at him, "he's hot isn't he". You snapped your head back making Mimi giggle "his name is Yoongi" she contented laughing. "Can he use magic?" you asked, because no one knew that you can read peoples auras, and you were curious on what he controls. "Yeah, he is really powerful he is an elements user, he's apart of BTS" she said. Because you lived overseas you had no idea who 'BTS' were. "who is BTS?" you asked innocently , Mimi's face looked so shocked, before she could answer the professor slammed a pile of text books in front of Yoongi making him wake up. "Today we have a new student please introduce yourself miss....", "Y/N". "Miss Y/N".

You stood up. Every eye was looking at you making you fell panicked, you bowed "hello my name is Y/N, I've just moved from America please look after me" then sat back down calmly. You looked around and it seems no cares so you just went back to doing your work. When the bell went everyone was rushing to get out, luckily you were in Mimi's next class. "so who is BTS?", Mimi thought for a second before answering "well BTS is one of the most powerful magic groups in south Korea for their ages, and some of them are connect to royalty, I still don't know why they go to a run-down school like this to be honest" you hum in response before stepping in the next class. This class was different from the last as, very one had spate tables, you sat in the middle surrounded by humans, this class was English so you didn't pay any attention as you are fluent in English.

When class was over you had to separate from Mimi. You had your head down looking at your timetable walking down the corridor, then bumping into a boy. You apologised as soon as you can, "are you new here?" he asked "yeah my name is Y/N". The boy you bumped into wasn't the tallest, but he had a figure that was perfect, his bicep muscle was probably bigger than your thigh. His hair was stunning silver that shinned in the sun. He was a were wolf and a strong one too. "Are you lost?" he said before smiling that could have blinded you. "Oh yes I have, science" you smiled back. "Follow me, you're in my class" "thankyou" you followed him. "My name is Jimin by the way".

Jimin POV

Umm Y/N that's a nice name, he thought walking down the corridor. As we were walking we were making small talking. I've tried smelling her to see if she was a threat but it didn't work. I couldn't smell if she can use magic or not, which is very old as I normally have no problem with that. We waked in the class. She sat in front of me as there were no other places. She was very old so I decided to keep an eye on her and tell BTS.


It was lunch and you sat with Mimi. We were just talking about random things and having a good laugh. You decide to go to the toilet as a girl got to go when girl got to go. When making your way back you bumbled into someone this time a girl, but this time she had a lunch tray which meant we both had food all over are uniforms.

"What the f**k are you doing" she shouted at you. You ignored her and tried getting food off your new school uniform. "I'm speaking to you". You read her aura she was an ordinary witch but was evil inside. So you ignored her again and walked off to sit with Mimi who had a superseded look on her face. You looked back to see that girl walking angrily to the toilets.

Jimin's POV

I ruched to get food and sit down were BTS were. "JIMIN" Jungkook said. "Hey guys I've got something to tell you" I said ruched. "What is it" Yoongi asked. "Right, basically there's this new girl called Y/N" "oh yeah she was in my math class" Yoogni said. "Well I bummed into her and helped her find her class, but the strange thing was that I couldn't smell her, or even smell if she users magic or not". Everyone looked at each other, then there was a lord sound behind me it was Y/N and she just crashed into Jiae, they both had food on their cloths. "What the f**k are you doing" Jiae saied and Y/n just ignored her which made me laugh. She was defiantly brave. "I'm speaking to you" JInae said his time her eyes glowed pink meaning she was using her magic. 'Y/N has no chance' Jimin thought. But then Y/N just walked away like it was nothing. The whole of BTS was shocked. "See what I mean" Jimin said and everyone nodded.


"What?" you asked Mimi "who is she?" Mimi closed her mouth then said "she's one of the most popular girls in school her name is Jiae, she used her magic on you, and you walked away like it was nothing". 'Oh sh*t' you thought. You probably should have allowed her to use magic on you because now everyone is staring at you, and all you wanted to do is stay in the shadows. Luckily the bell saved you, the next class you had was with Mimi but we didn't sit together.

The final bell of the day rang and it was home time. You got up with Mimi, but before we left the school. Mimi said "I have to stay at school I got one more class". "What's that?" you asked curiously. "I forget to tell you I'm a shape shifter so I got a class just for magic users after school" you acted surprised to not create any attention.

Before you could leave 2 boys stopped you, "Hi Y/N, this is my friend Hoseok" Jimin said you both smiled and bowed. "We were just thinking that you are new here and all that we can show you around tomorrow before school starts". 'Finally' you thought 'someone who wants to help me'. "I would love that" you said with a slime, they both smiled as well "great". "It's getting dark out there do you want me to walk you home" Hoseok asked with a flash of green in his eyes. He was using his magic but I didn't care if created more attention I'm not letting a stranger know where I live. "No I will be fine thank you" you said walking off.

When walking home you thought how beautiful Hoseok was for an elf. That's when you sense that someone was flowing you. From this aura you could tell that he was a Kitsune. Being from America there were hardly any kitsume as there are mostly Asian, so it wasn't rare to find then in South Korea. He had shaped shift into a mouse flowing you. You couldn't be bothered any more so you just kept going home.

Before opening the door you turned around "I'm home now you can stop flowing me" you said in a firm voice. The mouse changed into a boy about your age, he was very handsome. "I'm sorry my friends Jimin and Hoseok wanted to make sure that you were safe that's all" he said giggling "my name is Jungkook by the way". "Well I'm safe now you can go home" you said before rolling your eyes and shutting the door. You were so tried that you didn't even eat and just went to bed

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