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You woke up with a pain in your stomach 'I should off have eaten last night' you thought. You crawled out of bed and got changed for school, before going in the kitchen to eat. You looked at the mirror noticing your eyes were changing; quickly you took your tablet.

As soon as you step into the school gate Jungkook stood in front of you. "Can I help you?" you asked annoyed. "Follow me" he said walking to the garden. You didn't move "come on", you rolled your eyes and followed him. We went to a big tree where six other people where siting. You recognised Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi. 'Wait' you thought 'isn't yoongi in BTS? So this is BTS'. "Hello I'm Jin" he shock your hand. He was stunning, he was basically a supermodel, his eyes had the kindest look, and his hair is a luscious pink, for a wizard. "This is Namjoon" he pointed to a tall figure, just from looking at the boys you could tell he was respected a lot so you guessed that he was the leader. He's hair was flawless, and when he slimed he had the best dimples I have ever seen. He was probably one of the most powerful vampires who have ever met; all I knew was not to get on his bad side. "And that one is Taehyung" he was faultless; the way he smiled his box smile was adorable. When you tried to read his arura you got confused as you were picking up to different things an Angel and a demon. Jimin grabbed your hand "follow me; I'm tacking you on a tour". You were pulled towards the school followed by Jungkook and Taehyung.

When the tour was finished the bell went for tutor, you were in the same tutor as Mimi, Jimin, Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi. You were about to sit next to Mimi in a quiet Conner of the room, but obviously those 4 BTS members decided to sit with you. You had no idea why BTS was interested with you, so you always had you grad up around them. Mimi was so nerves that the next thing you knew was that she turned in to a rabbit making you giggle. "So Y/N where did you say you were from". "I'm from new York". "I've always wanted to go there" said Hoseok exercised. You guys kept talking Intel yoongi asked "I'm just wondering, can you use magic?" everyone leaned in. you didn't know what to, you stared to panic. "Oh umm... no I can't" you said nervously laughing. They all leaned back, yoongi humming. Then the bell saved you.

As you were about to step in to you next class that's when Jiae pushed you in the girl's toilets "what do you want" I said in fasciation. "Don't you know who I am?" "No, I don't, sorry" you said stochastically, that's when she slapped you. It wasn't that strong and you have had worse so it didn't faze you "are you done, because I want to get to class" you said calmly before walking out. When you got back to class Mimi noticed your new red check "what happened?" she asked worried "don't worry it's nothing".

A week has passed and you were steeled into the school, no one cared who you were. You still didn't trust BTS, and Jinae still hates you, including her friends who are basically making you like a living hell.

You sat with Mimi at lunch, who was the only person you could trust. As you were talking with Mimi you felt something cold go down you back, making you stand up and turn around. It was Jiae. She was holding a cup of cold coffee in her slender hand "opps". After she left, you started slowly walking to the toilet to try not making the coffee go down anymore. But before you could get anywhere far, Jinae friends surrounded you. "I really don't have time for this" you said trying to walk away but begging blocked, you knew someone was about to kick the back off your leg, but as you are trying to keep a low profile you let them. You let them bet you Intel you were coughing blood. They left you there, laughing; as soon as they were gone you just stood up and brushed off your school blazer.

After being at Kingheart academy for a couple of weeks you noticed something. When you were sitting in English class you noticed how everyone had their own style in there school uniform. For example Mimi's uniform was made from a special material meaning she can shaft shift init. Talking about English class Jinae was sitting behind you. You didn't knowtes her Intel she stared flicking paper at me. But you ignored her. Making her angrier. When you thought she gave up, she stared throwing paper at the teacher. Looking like I did it, the teacher gave you an after school detection. 'Great another thing on my list' you thought. After the bell went for the end of school Jinae walked past you and throw all you text books on the floor "opps" then laughed flicking her hair.

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