Chapter 0:1

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I'm not one for love poems, but Mr. Grey was demanding a ballad of emotions in the form of poetry and wasn't taking any shit that day. Lucky for him I wasn't going to give him any. Because that day I was feeling inspired, this not usually being on my emotional vocabulary, I was curious to find out where it would lead me. Mr. Grey said something about the meaning of poems and then said we could throw our poems out. There was probably some real meaning to that but I was so focused on my horny mess of a letter that I couldn't have cared less. I won't tell you the explicit details of the note but I will say the words butt and fuck were included. But little did I know that the trash can that I threw my note out in was not supposed to be there. That damned trash can was minatory and I had no idea. This whole mess would have never happened if Ben Lister had not been messing around with his friends and placed the bin in the wrong place. Ben Lister shall rue the day he misplaced that can. Ben Lister is the reason I'm sitting here, writing to you. With no knowledge of this I went cheerfully to my next class in a gleeful mood. This unusual mood was questioned by my teacher, Mrs. Brooks, and we participated in a delightful conversation. And while this par taking in the conversation occurred he found it. Yes, that he. He saw the bright pink lettering of his name on the top of the card and was drawn to it like moths to their buzzed imminent death. So maybe this was all my fault, maybe I shouldn't have placed my note face up, maybe I should have noticed the misplaced trash can. But maybe's get you nowhere and I am far from nowhere right now. So now we know two things, Ben Lister is a dead man, and he found the letter. Now, you might be think "Well maybe he has actually had a crush on you for like forever but was too scared to tell you! Or maybe he'll fall in love with you bonding over the funny letter!" But my dear friend, this is not that kind of story. This is not a story you're gonna tell your chubby little future grandkids as they stuff their faces with protein packets in a spaceship orbiting Mars. This story fucked me up and I can promise that you will not be lacking this fucking. At lunch I was caught off guard at the sight of him asking about me. Maybe it was because I was shocked he found it, maybe it was because I found out he had no idea who I was. Most likely the latter. Either way I had a problem and my solution was to evacuate into the library. I hid in one of the corners and read a book that means nothing to me, or anyone else who reads it. I droned on like that for about five minutes before James Richards found me. "Why aren't you in the cafeteria?" "Mistake, jocks, evacuation, the usual". Now don't get me wrong he is not a jock, he is a drama kid who happens to be friends with jocks. Jocks are usually invidious meatheads. I'm not one for meatheads. "Nice" James sat down next to me and pulled out an old comic withered down by too many hands. James is not my best friend, to be honest we are barely acquaintances. At the beginning of the year he came up to my table and sat down, he was new and I didn't feel like eating alone this year. We had a mutual understanding that sitting together is beneficial for the both of us. We gave each other limited information, "James Richards" was as far as I got. James sat quietly reading his comic until I slammed down my book. "I HAVE A DILEMMA!" I proclaimed, but just quietly enough so that only James could hear. "Oh yeah, he was looking for you". His name echoed in my ears and I my face went from shocked to worried to terrified in 4 seconds flat. James isn't censorious about these sorts things, he shrugged it off and continued reading. I paced back and forth for about ten minutes before James spoke again. "So what'd you do?" James asked, flipping a page. He kept reading as I answered "Well there was a letter and a trash can and him" I spoke quietly and quickly. I had never told James about him but James isn't oblivious, I'm guessing he figured it out a while ago. James knows things quickly, and he always seems like he knows more than he let's on. "Maybe you should just let him find you" everything he said was non chalant. "No, I'm good thanks" I picked up my backpack and left without saying goodbye. I turned the corner just in time for the bell to ring. B-lining it to my class, I soon forgot everything. School was the same as it always is, a kurfuckle of things that we will forget about soon enough. I left for the bus stop as quickly as humanly possible, but somehow, he still found me and pulled me into a closet that I had forced myself into. He turned the light on. I took a breath"What the hell is this?" "Uh" was all I could spit out of my mouth. He rolled on and on about... Something. Honestly, the only thing I could focus on was his lips and everything else was blurred out. I couldn't help myself, his lips where there and they were open for viewing. "I'M NOT GAY!" This part I heard. This is what brought me out of my trance. Yeah, right was my first thought, but then I realized I had no evidence against it. In fact I had more evidence for it, I'd seen the videos, I'd heard about the girlfriends. He stood quietly, eyes wide and face on fire. He breathed. I breathed. We took in the oxygen. We stood there. The room filled with CO2. "S-sorry" he murmured and left the room. I stood there, eyes wide and face red.

Minatory ~ Expressing or conveying threat
Censorious ~ Severely critical of others
Invidious ~ Likely to arouse or incur resentment or anger in others. Unfairly discriminating; unjust.

//SooooOoOoOOoOoo, here we are. I have tried writing so many stories but this is the only thing I have actually planned out, and I have a general idea of what is going to happen. I really hope this works out because I'm excited about this story and I like how it's going so far. Also the glossary is there because I've been using word of the day and I try to include it in my stories and I want to make sure you guys know what I'm saying. Please like and vote, it means a lot! ~Lexi //

The Butterfly EffectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora