Chapter 0:2

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Well shit. These words repeated through my head in different tones and variations and I had come to the same conclusion. I was most utterly fucked. My time staring at him was ephemeral. I was now in the dead zone and there was no going back. He knew. As soon as I got home I face planted onto my bed. It was Thursday and the weekend wasn't soon enough. You just have to make it through one more day. Thankfully I didn't have any classes with him. The chance was still there though. He could bump into me or I could accidentally make eye contact with him. But there was no chance of that right?

Fuck. This time I only needed to say it once in my head. I knew what this meant. I had gotten assigned detention.I won't tell you what for, because the why's are not important. It's the what's that matter and what happened next is a mystery to me. Now one might think, detention is not so bad right? There's less of a chance for you to see him after school right? Well you'd be wrong. My school give you work to do for detention. I had to work on the play set. The fucking play set. The same play that he was the lead role in. "Kill me" I said, sitting down at our lunch table in the corner of the cafeteria. James Richards chuckled. "What?" "Nothing, it's just you'd think that once you say that enough times it would lose its meaning." James looked different that day. His hair wasn't covered in product like it normally was. He was wearing some slides and sweatpants. James never wore sweatpants. "When have I ever said that before?!?" "Well there was that one time with the concert, there was that one book. Oh and there was tha-". "Okay I get it, I say it a lot, but this time I really mean it" "if you say so..". He looked sad. But I was too focused on my impending doom to ask him about it. Lunch was finished in silence. I finished my classes empty mined, the Information going in one ear and out the other. I slouched over to the theatre. There were a couple of kids painting sets and some were taking them up to the stage. I walked up to the teacher, Mr. Kennedy. "What do you need me to do?" I scanned the room for him. He was pulling up a set piece and man did he look nice while doing it. "You can work with him". Mr. Kennedy pointed over onto the stage. I officially had the worst luck ever. "Do I have to work with him?" "Would you rather be cleaning the dressing rooms?" I shook my head. Making as little eye contact as I could I stepped up into the stage and helped him pull the stage piece up. His breathing was stertorous as we pulled it up together. It took all the self control I had to not look him in his eyes. His beautiful hazel eyes. We finished propping up all the heavy duty stuff that was left on stage. I could see the tension in his body as we both stood awkwardly waiting for more directions. "I'm going to need you guys to pick some stuff up for the cast party" Mr. Kennedy said to us as he checked out one of the actors' costume. "and also pick up the shirts I designed". We both nodded and he finally spoke the first words to me since the closet. "I'll drive". Those two words made my heart flutter. I nodded and followed him into the parking lot behind he auditorium. He clicked the button on the keys and gracefully got into the drivers seat. I, on the other hand, awkwardly stumbled into the passengers seat and waited for him to start driving.

He turned on the engine and started the car up. The calming sound of the hum of the car lulled us into a silence. But me, being the guy that I am, started to talk. "So wh-" he cut me off "Before you start talking, I'm sorry I got so mad yesterday. I had a bad day, but what you wrote wasn't so cool and I needed an outlet. And just because we are talking now doesn't mean I have forgiven you and doesn't mean we're friends, got it?" "Yeah, got it". We spent the rest of the trip in silence, only talking to strategize how to get everything done in a timely manner. I was loading in the t-shirt boxes into his trunk when he got a text. I don't know what it said but his face read misery. I finished up in the back and hopped into my seat. "Hey you mind if we ran one more errand today?" He said putting ways his phone. "Sure, I got no where to be". We drove until we got to the suburbs and then he turned onto Maple Drive. We pulled into a drive way and he told me to wait in the car. He knocked on the door and his girlfriend, Laura, answered the door. It stayed closed for about ten minutes. I waited patiently for him to come out the door. Suddenly he burst out of the door with rage fuming from his being. I couldn't see Laura but I had a feeling I knew what was going on. His usual lenity towards things was gone. It was all just replaced with rage. He slammed his hand in the steering wheel, each hit sending shivers through my spine. He took a few calming breaths before taking out his phone. He texted someone, I assume one of his parents, saying he would be home late. Then he looked at me, straight in the eyes. His giant hazel eyes gazing into mine. And for a second he seemed peaceful. "We're going to the beach, now"

Ephemeral ~ Something short-lived or of no lasting significance.
Stertorous ~ (Of breathing) noisy and labored
Lenity ~ Kindness; gentleness
// It's really late for me but I'm posting this anyways because I want to post my chapters frequently and I was feeling inspired. I'm not really sure how long this book will be, but how I've planned it out it might be pretty short. I'm not sure yet. Anyways - vote, comment, and I will see you next time!//

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