Chapter 0:3

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We drove for 30 minutes before reaching the coast. It was a Friday night, yet some how no one was on the beach. He got out of the car, I got out of the car. He walked to where the cement of the parking lot met the sand, I followed. We played this game of follow the leader until we got to the shore of the beach. We walked up and down the coast for a while before he stopped. Then, he socked me square in the face. Bam, just like that out of nowhere. I stumbled back a bit before regaining my balance. "What the fuck man" I screamed at him. "That's for writing that damn note, now we're even" he said. I started laughing, "You have a wimpy punch dude". For a second I thought I had offended him. Then he started laughing and we stood there, laughing on the shore of the beach. We finally sat down and he pulled out a cigarette, lit it, inhaled and blew out the smoke. "Isn't that supposed to be bad for you?" I questioned as he inhaled again. "Well yeah, it's bad for you but we didn't know that before, there was a time when people thought it was good for you" he explained, puffing out the gray substance. "But now we know it's bad for us?" I gave him a questioning look. "Well the way I see it, is we're always finding out new things and discovering what's good and what's bad. And we always have different mind sets, this is healthy, this will kill you. So I've just decided to pick a time and stick with it, and right now I'm living in the 50's." I chuckled, "That was some complete and utter bull shit, wasn't it?" He snickered back "Yeah, you got me there, I'm just doing it to look cool". He smiled and I smiled. And his smiled fueled his sparkle in his eyes. And his eyes were sparkling like crazy. Behind the setting orange sky, his eyes looked green and bright, like a blooming forest. Or a bird, taking to flight. "Okay then shouldn't you, I don't know, be saving your lungs for when you become a major actor?" I said dragging out my words dramatically. "Well my answer to that sir, is fuck you". That time on the beach was the most I had ever laughed with another human being in my life. He was handsome, and funny and all I could ever ask for. But he wasn't for me. This Friday evening was the first and last evening I would spend with him. That was all that I could think about, how my time was fleeting with him. How on Monday the words would reset, the sun rising a new day into existence. And before you know it he would forget me. What I didn't know, was that this night was far from over. And on Monday I wouldn't be attending school, but instead a courtroom hearing. And he would never forget me.

But we laughed, and for one moment, two chaotically different forces came together and became something more than two boys sitting on the shore of a beach at 6:00 pm. The laughing stopped along with the jokes, and I became curious. "So why'd she break up with you?" His face washed over with seriousness, and I as much as I loved his face, I liked it a lot better when it was smiling. "Someone saw me pulling you into that closet, and saw us leave the school in my car. They told her." He didn't look as sad as I thought he would be. "Oh" was all I could manage to get out of my mouth. "Yeah, she got mad at me saying, that just because you're a dude doesn't mean it's not cheating and that I should've told her sooner. Then some bullshit about how she "totally respects the gays but she can't be a beard". So I started laughing and lord does she know how to slap. So I left". This statement made me want to laugh. The irony of it all. The line about the beard, and the gays. He finished off his cigarette and threw it into the ocean. He stood up, flipped off the sunset and yelled "FUCK YOU LAURA!" I stood up, followed him and the game of follow the leader continued once again. He wasn't smiling with his mouth, this time it was just his eyes. That twinkle that he gets in his eyes that made me want to kiss him. That wouldn't be the last time I would be seeing that twinkle on Friday night.

We walked up to a small play ground consisting of nothing but a swing set and a small slide. We both sat down on the swings, he pulled out another cigarette. He was my 80's dream boy, puffing out cancer in the form of smoke. Farris Bueller and Jason Dean had nothing on him. The beach was done, he was gonna leave. And I would be left alone without my 80's dream boy. The sound of the rusty swing set was loud in my ears and made me crinkle my nose. Right then, everything made me crinkle my nose. The swing set, the sun set, my fading 80's dream boy and his eyes. They were back to their usual brown with hints of green, back to normal. Back to lacking me. After all he had done to surprise me I thought he couldn't do anything more. We had run his private errand, we had gone to the beach and I thought there were no more surprises. But he caught me off guard, he asked me "Where do you wanna go next?" And my heart stopped beating, there was no more blood in my body and I was dead. Because my 80's dream boy was staying, and he was staying for me.

//I don't think I used any word of the day words in this chapter, I couldn't really work in the new one in so here you go. I know I technically already posted today but I'm posting again because I'm feeling really inspired and I can't wait to get to the exciting parts. There might be one more chapter today but I'm not sure. Anyways, vote comment and I'll see you next time!//
P.S. the pictures above are hints to next chapters, that's why the ones before were of the ocean.

The Butterfly EffectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora