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Chapter 1

I used to be just a normal girl. I used to be just boring old Juliet Anderson, that is until I found out about my real family. You'd think after all the 16 years of my life they would've found me a wee bit earlier... Well, at least they came before my birthday.

So here I am now, lying on top of my new bed in my new room at my new house with my new family. Well, this is the life and to top it all off, they are so freaking loaded!!! I mean, my room is gigantic, it's about the same size as my old house!

Imagine if they never put me up for adoption, I'd have been living here all my life.

I mean, why'd they let go of me anyways? I guess that's something I'll have to ask my Mom or Dad.

Hmm, and maybe while I'm at it I should also ask them why they never bothered with me up until now.

My tummy starts growling reminding me that the last meal I ate was breakfast and it was way past lunch now. I make my way downstairs to the kitchen and check the fridge for anything. Nope, not a single food.

"Hey jules, looking for something to eat?" I hear my mom ask. I turn back and say "yup and since there isn't any food here, can you please drive me to starbucks or something?"

She thinks it over for awhile then my tummy starts growling again.

Damn my hungry self.

She chuckles a bit as she says "sure why not, you must be really hungry"

I nod as I hurriedly say "yes yes thank you! I'll just go and dress up"

I run to my room and go to my closet and look at me set of new and improved clothes. Hmm what to wear what to wear..

I decide on a black skater skirt, a white v-neck shirt and pink leather jacket. I wear my new black ankle boots with studs and grab my new iPhone 5s.

As I make my way down the stairs I hear my mom call "juliet? Juliet honey, let's go" Hmm should I shout something along the lines of I'm coming or no? I think better of it and decide not to.

"Ok, let's go!" I say as I reach the very last step. I swear to God, just going up and down those stairs is exercise enough for me.

We go inside my mom's car and I decide that may be the time I should ask my mom the questions that has been eating me up.

"sooooooo" I say dragging the 'so' out "how come you put me up for adoption?"

My mom looks at me nervously as she says "well, at the time your dad and I wasn't exactly what you'd call ready for a child. We were just uhh you know, teenagers."

I nod understandingly "so you put me up for adoption?"

She nods "uh-huh"

'well that sucks' is what I wanna say but instead I say -or more like ask-

"how come you only found me now?"

She nervously chuckles as she says "well we didn't really want to look for you but then we decided we had to so we searched for you. We started just about a month ago luckily we found you fast"

so that was it? They were just gonna leave me there not knowing the truth? What kind of parents were they?! Right now I'm furious to say the least but that's not what I'm gonna tell her because I'll think of something to get back at her some sort of revenge but right now, I'll play it off as sweet.

"Oh ok"

There was an awkward silence as she says "so you're not mad?" I put on my best acting skill as I say "nope not at all"

She sighs in relief "well that's good. Oh and we're here. I can't eat with you cause I have an important meeting. Call me when you're done or better yet, call your dad."

I nod and say "will do, thanks mom" then I hurriedly make my way out of the car

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