Chapter 5

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Lucian Bole had approached Draco and hit his and Hermione's hands apart, then backed him against the column. "You shouldn't be allowed here," he hissed. Spittle flew from a gap between his teeth, one drop landing on Draco's cheek. That was when Draco stepped forward.

"Hey! What's your problem with me?" At that moment, Bole pushed him down. Draco saw out of the corner of his eye Hermione pushing through the crowd to him.

"Filthy mudblood!" the boy spat. "Your kind shouldn't be allowed here."

Hermione stood protectively in front of Draco and faced Bole, unfazed by the older fourth year's height and size. "Don't you touch him."

Bole laughed in her face. "And who are you, little girl?"

"I'm Hermione Malfoy," she replied in a steady, strong, unwavering voice. Long ago, Narcissa had taught her how to make her voice stop quivering. The trick was simply to lower the voice. She did this now and sounded commanding, even a bit frightening. "My father knows yours. Shall I mention you in my letter home?"

Bole noticeably stepped back. He was acutely aware that the ruckus around them had silenced and everyone was watching or had already left. "No, why would you do that? There's no trouble here."

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked, taking a step forward. Bole moved quickly back. Hermione stepped forward again. "Because it sounded like you were calling my friend a mudblood. Is that true?"

"It was a joke," Bole laughed nervously. "Surely you can see a joke."

Hermione nodded and laughed humorlessly. "Oh I can. I see you, don't I?"

"I'll be going now," Bole said quickly.

"That's a good idea," Hermione agreed. The Slytherin boy couldn't get away fast enough. When he was out of sight, Hermione let à shaking breath out and turned back to Draco.

Draco had just seen his best friend transform from a sweet girl into a terrifying mini version of her father. He knew even though he'd never met Lucius. He could just feel it. And he hated it.

Draco didn't meet Hermione's eyes. She frowned. "Draco, what's wrong? I got rid of him."

"That's not what I was thinking about," Draco muttered. He glanced around. The crowd realized that the action was over, so they started to disperse. Draco waited until everyone but their friends was gone to say what he needed to.

"You shouldn't have said those things," he told her. Hermione frowned, uncomprehending.

"But he was bullying you, so I got rid of him. What's wrong with that?" She frowned. "Is this because I'm a girl and you feel like your male ego is wounded?"

Draco scoffed. "No! God, Hermione, that's not it at all." He took a deep breath. "You used your pureblood status to stand up to another pureblood. That's no better than what they do."

"But-" Hermione started. Draco cut her off.

"No! I can take care of myself! If muggleborns don't stand up for themselves, and hide behind their pureblood friends, then that will only encourage feelings of prejudice. It will make them think that we are incapable of defending ourselves." Draco took a deep breath. "That person who yelled at him wasn't you. I don't know who it was, but it wasn't you."

Hermione stumbled back as if he'd physically hit her. "Draco..."

It was too late. Draco cast one final, sad look at her, then turned and ran back to the castle. The rest of their friends looked at Hermione.

"Is he right?" Hermione begged to know.

Dean shifted nervously. "A little bit. I mean, I'd like to be able to speak for myself when it concerns muggleborn and pureblood. Not that I'd ever react like he just did! I don't think what he said to you was fair. You thought you were doing the right thing. You were, I mean, by telling Bole off, but..." Dean trailed off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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