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The screaming was heard in the once peaceful kingdom. Thousands of people were uttering help to save their lives. Wolves were fighting everywhere. Limbs were decorated in the once colorful wall but now it was all painted of blood, blood that belongs to the warrior and the traitor wolves.
The king that was once strong was very fragile because of the poisoned knife that was used to cut his left leg.

  " Why my friend Aro? I trusted you! We've grown together! We faced hardships and rule this kingdom together!" Small growl escaped on King Marcus

" My friend ! You're so naive! Snarled the Beta's King.
Do you think I want to be your beta forever? No, I don't! I want to rule this kingdom all by myself. And that I have to kill you!"

The Beta Strucked the sword right into the King's Heart.

In the kingdom of  sea the mate of the king saw this trough the water. A special water were you can see what you want to see.

   The Queen of the Mermaid was shocked of the event. She was carrying the fruit of their love.. She cried and cried each day and night without knowing what to do....One thing was on her mind.. REVENGE.


The Alpha's WeremaidWhere stories live. Discover now