Names we prefer

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So, a shit ton has happened over the New Years. So, for those of you who are confused with the different aliases, I will write down the names we prefer to go by:

Kai (Previously known as Kenzie; Non binary)

Eli (Previously known as Anne; Non binary)

Trixie/Trix/Ven (Zues, woman, how many other names do you have?)

Sarah (The one who's bringing this mess of an account back to life, also our Lord and Savior's archangel)

Sky (Our smol bean)

Maya (Our Lord and Savior)

Chalice (On hiatus, moved probably)

Rhi (Honestly, people were gonna figure out, especially with her being the only other SPAM FAM member not listed)

And me, Jay (Previously known as Jane; Non binary).


So yes, prefered names with a random piece of information that I managaed to come up with while running on 7 hours of sleep (which is actually a lot more than I usually get).

Stay tuned for more spam, queer jokes, dank memes, and Tyson.

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