Part 6

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A/n: Hey readers! I really hope you all are enjoying the story. I just want to say thanks for reading. I really don't know how long I will be continuing this story but I'll keep yall updated. I've been writing this at home, between classes, at lunch, and during class! And sorry for late update I've been so busy lately I mean who hasn't? Anyway Thanks Again!!

It's been about a month since Sasuke found out about you being with Naruto. He thinks you two are gonna have a child together. But he doesn't know that the unborn child is actually his...yet. He's been trying to text and call you many times but you deleted his contact and kept hiding from him. During the past month you started to hang out more with Ino. You told her everything that happened with Sasuke and although she already knew that Sasuke cheated on you(Sakura told her). You and Naruto go on dates here and there. He also has been taking you to your doctor appointments to check you and the baby. During this you and Naruto have been thinking about baby names.

Naruto's P.O.V

"How about Corona?" I asked.

"Or Nya!" She said.

"Or Rin!" 

"For the boy or girl?"

"Both! It can work for both!" She smiled that beautiful smile of her's that always stops my heart.

"This is fun Naruto. Im getting kind of hungry though. Im gonna grab something to eat." She started to leave the couch but I stopped her and motioned her to sit back down.

"It's all right (y/n) i'll go get you something to eat." I walked to the kitchen and yelled back at her. "What would you like?"

"Im kinda craving chocolate."

"Oh well I can go out and get some." I walked to the coffee table and grabbed my keys.

"Naruto you don't have to-"

"It's fine. I need to grab some stuff from the store anyway. I'll see you in a bit ok. Try not to move so much while I'm gone k?" I said.

"Alright. Thank you. I love you." She said.

"I love you too." I walked out to my car while she shut the door.

~at some random store~

3rd Person P.O.V.
Sasuke walks into the store and was going to grab a bottle of water until he saw Naruto buying chocolate then walking out. Sasuke forgot about his drink and went to follow Naruto. He finally caught up to him and pulled his shoulder back to face him. Naruto turned and meet a pair of angry onyx eyes.

"Why the hell are you with (y/n)!?!" Sasuke yelled letting his rage take over.

"Nice to see you too Sasuke." Naruto said back.

"Tell me why your with her!?! You never loved her!"

"I could say the same about that slut Sakura."

"Shut up!" Sasuke yelled.

"If you must know I do love her. I loved her since the day I meet her."


"Sooooo...what?" Naruto said.

" it true your having a baby with her?" Sasuke asked.

'I wish. (y/n) still hasn't told Sasuke. I shouldn't say anything. Must have been a rumor he heard or something. What do I do?' Naruto thought.

Just then three girls come up and push Naruto out of the way.

"Are you Sasuke?" One asked.

"You are aren't you!"

"I'm sorry do I know you?" Sasuke said still mad.

"Remember we went to the same high school as you!" The others said. They all started to gawk at Sasuke and trying to lean up on him.

'Sasuke still has fangirls!' Naruto thought and quickly took the chance to leave. He got into his car and left.

Sasuke grew angry and looked away from the annoying women and saw that Naruto already left.

~time skip~
You are now nine months pregnant. The doctor told you that the baby will be arriving soon and that you need to be prepared. (Ps: Naruto never told you about the incident with Sasuke.)

Your P.O.V.
"Are you sure we have everything we need?" I asked.

"Yes." Naruto said.

"Do we have diapers?"


"Baby food?"


"Baby clothes! Did I but enough!?! I got to go get some!" I jumped out of the bed until Naruto pulled me back into his chest.

"For the thousandth time yes. You brought enough clothes. Now can we go to sleep?"

"Yeah sure."


"I'm sorry Naruto for worrying so much. I guess...I'm just scared."

"It's alright. Everything will turn out ok."

"Yeah but I'm too young to be having a kid. I mean I'm only 24 for God's sake! I'm not wise enough to raise a child!"

"(y/n) don't worry. Your gonna be a wonderful mother."

"Thanks Naruto I love you."

"And I love you." He leaned in for a kiss. He kissed me passionately like always but started to kiss rougher. His lips left mine then started to travel down my neck. His fingers moved to my shoulder and started pulling on my shirt revealing my shoulder. He continued to leave butterfly kisses all over my neck and shoulders.

"Mmm Naruto~" I moaned his name.

"(y/n)...your skin is so soft~" He continued.

Naruto tried to lean closer to the point where he's on top of me until he leaned in too far on my belly. I let out a yelp. He quickly stopped kissing and backed away.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)! I didn't mean to hurt you! I know I shouldn't have done that when your still pregnant. Please...forgive me."

I smiled. "It's ok Naruto. I actually really enjoyed that."


"Yep. I'm getting tired though so why don't we go to bed?"

He nodded and slipped under the covers with me. He gave me one more kiss on the lips then went to sleep.

~three hour time skip~
I was sleeping peacefully until I suddenly started to feel something wet near my 'area'. I started to get up but then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I finally managed to get up. I looked down and stared in shock.

"My water broke." I mumbled.

I looked over at Naruto and saw him drooling. I nudged at him and pushed him until he woke up.

"What's wrong (y/n)?" He asked.

"The baby's coming you idiot!" I yelled.

"What!?! Really!?! Ok ok just breathe. In and out. I'm gonna get the car ready and grab anything else we will need. Just stay here ok?"

I nodded and continued to breathe in and out like he told me while he left the room.

Naruto came back and lead me out the house and to the car. He opened the door and placed a pillow down for me to lean on. He started the engine and drove to the hospital.

"(y/n) I might be tired but I'm so happy right now." Naruto said happily.

"I'm happy too Narut-" I felt another contraction coming and groaned in pain.

"It's alright (y/n). Keep breathing in and out ok?"

I nodded then smiled. 'Why couldn't I fall in love with Naruto first instead of Sasuke? Naruto is loyal and kind hearted and treats me with respect. Why couldn't he have been the father of my child instead of Sasuke?'

Well there's part 6 for you guys. Hoped you liked it! Please comment if I should continue or not. Byeeee!

Modern!Cheater!Sasuke x Reader x NarutoWhere stories live. Discover now