Leila Vy

198 10 3

I Wanted to give a big thanks to her for letting me interview her for my book and also for responding so quickly


Q1. Who or what inspired you to write?

A1. I think it is the thought of what a romance novel could be. It doesnt matter the setting the people, what matters is what happens from the beginning to end. Just that thought is what inspires me to write.

Q2.you give us a hint on your next project?

A2.i have so many ongoing. My brian is constantly on overdrive. After I finish The Dragon King, I will move on to Until Dawn.
Until dawn is a book about two twin Alpha female werewolves who switch places and find themselves in a pickle when they fall in love with their sister's betrothed.

Q3. What's your favorite genre? And why do you like it?

A3. This is hard one to pick. I jump from one to another. I start reading historical romance novels at age 12. I am fascinated with the Highland/Scotland/Medieval era. However I sometimes will flip back to contemporary/chick lit romances. I started getting interested in paranormal/shifter romance books after downloading Wattpad.

Q4. How do you get ideas about your characters and back stories?

A4. I choose what makes sense and is related to the storylines as well as the readers.

Q5. What is your proudest book?

A5. That's a hard one to choose. I wont be able to awnser this question.

Q6. When did you start writing?

A6. I started writing at age 16. I was on the Booksie platform until I found Wattpad.

Q7. Do you love writing and why?

A7. I do love writing. It releases my stress. When I write the story, I am in it-living it. So, when my readers get excited for what is going to happen next, I feel the same way along with them. It's a thrill of being able to visualize it in my head.

Q8. What hints or ideas would you give future writers?

A8. On wattpad, there are million of other authors writing. If you want your work to be known, you have to be known. What I mean by this is, comment and vote. Talk to the authors you love. Engage in conversation. Chances are people are going to notice you and follow you.

Q9. Who is an author you would tell people to look at (you may choose more than one)?

A9. Catherine_Edward, SteamyHot, Ancientt, AdelinaJaden

Q10. Who would you love to see next on the Fame and why?

A10. AdelinaJaden- because I am still waiting on her book for Tor.

Q11. Do u listen to music while u write? If so what music do u listen to?

A11. I do listen to music. It depends on the storyline of the book.

Q12. Where did your name come from?

A12. My username was created while eating Samyang Korean spicy noodle.



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