Ryu Sakurada

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Q1. Who or what inspired you to write?

A1. Music inspired me to write. I've always been inside my own little world when I relate to the lyrics of a song so one day I decided to pen down my fantasies.

Q2. Can you give us a hint on your next project?

A2. My next project...huh? It's about friendship and time travel. And it's themed in Korea. I'm gonna release it soon. My team is still working on it. It's a mixture of humor and depression so you guys better get ready.

Q3. What's your favorite genre? And why do you like it?

A3. My favorite genre and the one that I specialize in is 'humor'. I like it because it changes your mood no matter how depressed you are.

Q4. How do you get ideas about your characters and back stories?

A4. It's clicks in my head. The supporting characters are usually made at the spur of the moment. Yeah but I have to think a lot for the main characters. I try my best to add a unique style and flavor to every character of my books to make them memorable and bring them to life.

Q5. What is your proudest book?

A5. My proudest book is 'Dear Ms. Lady Demigod'. Since music helped me to come out of my social anxiety (I'm still working at that but now I'm much better), I dedicated this book to music. I have personified music to let people know how granted we take music for. The other reason for me liking it is the girl power it represents and of course, the savage nature of the characters.

Q6. When did you start writing?

A6. I started writing this April, just after my 16th birthday.

Q7. Do you love writing and why?

A7. At first, I started writing on a whim because I had some ideas in my mind, but, when I saw how much appreciation my work is getting, I started loving it. I was happy that people loved my work and so I wanted to give them more of it.

Q8. What hints or ideas would you give future writers?

A8. To all the future writers or struggling writers, I want to say that "Everything you are looking for, is hidden inside the small things around you. Our life is filled with tiny miracles- Notice them! Don't judge your caliber, just go for it and you will achieve."

Q9. Who is an author you would tell people to look at (you may choose more than one)?

A9. If I were to suggest you any author, Rachel Renee Russell's

Q10. Who would you love to see next on the Fame and why?

A10. Well... Maybe... @ceaselessmind Her stories are good (I'm sorry if she's a he, I don't want to offend anybody......what am I even typing???)

Q11. Do u listen to music while u write? If so what music do u listen to?

A11. I don't really listen to music while I write. I listen to music before I start writing. I'm only into pop music.

Q12. Where did your name come from?

A12. It's the name of my friend, I just reversed it (From Yuri to Ryu) As per the surname, it's from the first letter of everyone's name who's working with me on these projects. Surprisingly it made something that we could at least pronounce.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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