Chapter 29: Seeking Comfort

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"Starting a fight in the hallway? Pelham, what were you thinking?"

Both of Pelham's parents, particulary his mother, had been restless ever since they picked Pelham early from school - from the principal's office, to be precise. Pelham had to admit that he was adequately abashed, for he was normally the kind of student who always steered clear of trouble, just like how his parents had always taught him. But now, after watching the principal dial his mother's number, feeling two pairs of eyes burning holes into his back, Pelham became aware of the new sensation dominating his body; fear.

The rather comical thing about it was that the fear he felt made him feel ten years younger, back when all you had to worry about was whether stealing a cookie from the jar in the kitchen was considered a crime.

He was, after all, what might be regarded as an exemplary student. A scrupulous one with clean records, all prime with his certificates should he apply for a scholarship. But now he doubted his records were as reputable. So his disquietude was fairly intelligible.

It wasn't much like him to lose his temper and start lashing out, and his mother had made one aspect about him clear. Even Pelham knew that. What was I thinking? he thought as he watched his mother pace back and forth in front of him in the living room, wackily enough, while his father sat with his thumb and forefinger rested on his forehead, scrunching up his eyebrows. He couldn't blame them. After all, he did start the whole fracas.

He hadn't uttered a word at all ever since they got home, obliging his parents' instructions when they told him to take a seat on the couch and be still. They hadn't exactly told him to stay quiet, but Pelham knew enough to keep his mouth shut and let the words gush out of his parents' mouth. It was all on him, and he had to deal with it.

"Suspended now for five days. Five," his mother was shaking her head. "You're as good as being suspended for a week, Pelham. And your exams are coming up!"

Pelham hung his head, clasping his hands together. He fought the urge to press a thumb on his bruised temple. His head was throbbing, and he couldn't feel his lips. Everything on his face felt ten times bigger.

"Why?" Came his father's voice. Pelham finally locked gazes with the old man. "What happened, Pelham?"

Compared to Jody, his father was softer when it came to confrontations. So Pelham allowed himself to loosen up. "I don't know - I'm not sure," he finally said, his voice hoarse.

"Word has it you punched Roshon first," he said, frowning. "That's the biggest question; why Roshon? You two are best friends. What changed?"

Pelham could feel his mother's eyes on him. "We fought," he said, as though it wasn't already so obvious. "He, uh ... he said some things."

"But you two rarely ever fight," his mother was shaking her head that strands of her auburn hair had come loose from her ponytail. "I've been noticing that he hasn't come over for a while, but I guessed it was because of your assessment week coming up."

Pelham pressed his lips together. Was now the time? "He's been keeping his distant from me for a while," he began to explain. "Today he approached me - like for the first time since last week or so. And I became angry all of a sudden. He said ... stuff ... and I punced him."

"What kind of stuff?" his father leaned forwards, resting his elbows on his knees whilst intertwining his fingers.

Pelham swallowed the lump in his throat. "'Fag'," he murmured. "He said 'fag'."

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