Chapter 2: Meetings and Mixed Feelings

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"I'm just setting the trap and I'm not pulling for you, you're just pulling at me." Panic! At the Disco, Bittersweet
Lucille's POV:

I step into the conference room carrying my binders and color-coded folders and I am greeting the white smile, bright blue eyes, and grayish black hair of my boss Franco DiMaglo.

"Good afternoon Ms. Holtz," he says with a smile that never seems to leave his face.

"Good afternoon Sir," I reply with a smile. I look around the room noticing it is just us. "Where is the investor?"

"He is in the restroom right now, but he should be out soon" Franco says looking at the restroom door across the hall.

"Super duper!" I say enthusiastically. I hear Franco chuckle and he pulls out his phone to presumably play Candy Crush, since he asked me just yesterday to help him download it. I turn my back to Franco as I write with my impeccable writing on the whiteboard a diagram of our current and fixed assets and our net income.

"Ah! Alesso!" Franco's booming voice startles me, nearly making me jump. I hurriedly put the final bullet points on the board, noticing the decreasing quality of my handwriting, as Franco continues to speak. "Mr. Ronchetti, I would like you to meet our Lead Accountant at DiMaglo Construction, Ms. Lucille Holtz."

Light bulbs go off in my head as I realize what Livvy meant by her comment. I nearly slap my head as I think, "Of course, he is the mystery investor! Get your head in the game Lulu!" I double check to make sure my hands aren't sweaty as I swiftly turn around on my heel, my smile ready, and I nearly gasp out loud as I take a look at Mr. Ronchetti.

I meet his dark brown, nearly obsidian eyes that hold a icy stare that almost makes me want to shiver and put on a coat. His eyes are complimented by his short, jet black hair that is neatly styled, carefully combed, and slicked with hair gel. His complexion is more darker than a tan and his sharp facial features, like his prominent nose and jawline, are set in a rigid position along with his seemingly soft, pink lips. His pressed Armani suit with the typical white shirt and black tie reveals a very rich, no-nonsense air to him. He is objectively very handsome.

His attractive appearance doesn't faze me and I don't hesitate to hold out my hand for him to shake. I smile while saying, "It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Ronchetti" as we shake hands.

His rich, deep voice fills my ears as he emotionlessly replies, "You as well, Ms. Holtz." I notice he doesn't smile and his face is still rigidly set. It makes his otherwise youthful appearance evaporate and his features make it seem as if he has lived a hard, long life.

After the proper time has passed for a handshake to be considered professional, Alesso immediately retracts his hand away from mine and wipes his hand on his suit jacket as if my touch contaminated him. I resist the urge to scrunch my nose in distaste at his unprofessionalism and decide to take the high road and take no offense of this rude action. "Wait till Livvy finds out how rude he is." I think as Alesso and Franco take their seats.

"Alright Ms. Holtz," Franco begins once he is comfortably seated, "The floor is yours."

"Yes, Sir" I respectfully reply. For the next 30 minutes, I give my usual presentation I give to investors or board members. However, each time I met his eyes during my presentation, he gives me very distasteful and judgmental looks that would lower my self-esteem if I actually cared about what he thought. I push the unwelcome worries of whether or not I have a stain on my blouse or skirt and focus on doing my job.

I finish my presentation without any incident and neither man looks bored or has fallen asleep. 10 points to Ravenclaw! I mentally do a fist-pump as Franco and Alesso stand to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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