Chapter 3

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"I don't want to care.If I care about things,it'll be worse,it'll just be another thing to worry about.Its less painful if I don't care"   -Bret Easton Ellis

                                ° ° °Sarah's povWe had to start walking again because the car Murphy got wasn't stable enough

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                                ° ° °
Sarah's pov
We had to start walking again because the car Murphy got wasn't stable enough.

"Were going the wrong direction...again"Murphy said

"You left us no choice.Too much fallout in the west"Warren said

"Again.That was not my fault"He said

"Murphy,dont make me have to explain the term "failsafe doomsday weapon" again.Please"Doc said

"How do you even know California's still there"Murphy asked

"You're looking ripe.You better hope its still there"Vasquez said.Warren had decided its best that he did join our little field trip,after all he was a good fight

We all sat in the car driving down wharever road this was and i decided to break the silence

"So what's the deal with Senor over here"I asked Warren

"You know i can hear you right"He asked

"Oh I know I just don't care"I said with a fake smile

"Well we decided he'd be good help getting Murphy to California"Warren said

"Right so what's your name"I asked

"You can call me Vasquez"He said and i nodded and we all went around introducing ouselves

"Im Sarah and oh if you ever ever point a gun at me or my boyfriend ever again,it'll be the last thing you do"I said remembering our first encounter and Smiled.He looked over at Warren and she gave him a look that said "She's not playing"


"Hey you okay"10k asked me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder

"Ya just thinking"I said and he nodded.I noticed hes been more open and less shy about our relationship

"10k let me seen your scope"Warren said amd he handed it over to her.I wlaked over to Addy and stood next to her

"Hey how you holding up"I asked and she sighed

"I've been better"She said and I nodded

"You'll be okay,we all will"I said and as soon as i finished we heard a car

"Is that some sort of post apocalyptic wagon train"Doc asked

"Well it ain't the 3:10 to Yuma"Warren said and gunshot were heard

"Dont get out the truck"Warren said

"Its going to be a slaughter"I said and watched closely

"Can't expect to travel through a valley without an ambush.Didn't nobody ever watch western growing up"Murphy said as Cassandra rubbed his shoulders

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