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"Give back what is mine." Zarkon said.

"Never!" Shiro yelled.

Shiro then ran at Zarkon, his hand ready to strike. Zarkon simply moved to the side, dodging Shiro's attack. He then pulled out his bayard, or Shiro's bayard, and made it form a sword like the red paladin's.

Now it was Zarkon's turn to attack. He lunged at Shiro. Shiro put his arm infront of himself for defensive. He was struggling under the force of Zarkon's blade.

He managed to push his arm forward, pushing Zarkon back. He ran at Zarkon again, ready to try and strike him again.

Shiro ran at Zarkon and swung his arm. He hit something. It wan't Zarkon though.

Shiro looked at what he hit, and it was some sort of light blue orb. There was now a big crack in it.

"What have you done? You fool!" Zarkon yelled at Shiro.

An alarm went off all around the ship, letting everyone know something was wrong.

Shiro grabbed his helmet from off the ground and put it back on.

"Allura, what's happening?" He asked.

"Shiro, you must have hit the ancient orb of ice. Everything is going to freeze! Hurry and get back to the ship!" Allura said through the helmet.

Shiro started running in the direction he came from. Well, the direction he thought he came from. He kept running, but everything looked the same. He was lost. He ran and ran.

Then, some sort of count down started.

"10, 9, 8 ..."

Shiro started panicking. He didn't know where he was, and Allura had said he broke something that will freeze everything.

"7, 6, 5 ..."

How was he supposed to get out? He has to get back.

"4, 3, 2 ..."

Oh no.

"1, 0"

In an instant, everything was frozen over.

At that time, nobody knew it, but things would stay like that for a long long time.

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