Chapter 1 {Ace}: The Purple Lion

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* * * Ace's POV * * *

Where am I going. This is a long path. My legs hurt. Why did I take this path. Rose's is probably shorter.


What the heck is that light? It's getting brighter as a walk closer towards it.

"Gah.." I say in pain. This light is getting way too bright. I should've expected this, I get headaches in bright light.

Finally I see where the light is coming from. Right around that corner.

The light gets really bright as I turn the corner. I shut my eyes tight but as soon as I do the light gets dimmer.

"Huh?" I wonder ignorantly. I open my eyes to see a giant robot.

A giant, purple, cat robot thing.

Yeah, I know right. Awesome!!!!

I gasp as I look up the weird hexagon-shaped barrier thing surrounding the cat thingy.

I lift my hand to whack at the barrier.

It opens.


I clap my hands together and gasp. Is this like one of my books?!

The ca- wait, thats a lion.


I step towards it and it reaches its head down.

It lies its chin down on the dusty ground and opens its large mouth revealing a small staircase.

I don't even hesitate as I run right into the lion's mouth.

I laugh and keep on going as the feeling of familiarity overwhelms me.

I arrive at in this control room type Hobbit hole area.

It's small.

I love it.

I realize I'm in the lion's head. "Hey buddy" I say quietly somehow knowing its gender.

I go to sit in the chair in from of a large panel filled with controls but the lion rises into the air swooping me off my feet.

I laugh as I fly off in the lion upside down in the chair. My feet sticking up in the air.

Haha Rose doesn't get a cool lion like me!

* * *

This is amazi- wait.

Just as I say that I hear a familiar voice.

"What the heck?" I hear my sister's alarmed voice.

"Rose, is that you?" I say into a speaker looking this on the dash board.

I sit upright in my chair to see Rose flying by in another lion.

An orange one.

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