Chapter 1

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I stared at the messages my ex- best friend sent me. She knew about so many of my problems. She was my best friend. She was like my sister. I pushed my problems aside for her, yet she did nothing for me.

I turned off my phone and stared at my left forearm, just a few days ago, Haylee (sorry if that's your name or isn't your best friends name) and I were so close. Just a few days ago, I cut my arm 11 times then cut the word 'fat' into it as well. I wasn't ashamed of it... but I'm ashamed of my existence.

I turned my phone back on and plugged my earphones in, putting them in my ears. I went into Spotify and played one of my favourite songs from BTS- Lost. I gently sang the song to myself, in my house. I'm absolutely so grateful to have it. My family life was shit, I had an abusive father and my brother was never the nicest. But, I had two ways of getting through that: cutting and BTS. Without realising it, the song changed to Boy Meets Evil. 

I brought myself down more by reading the messages between Haylee and myself. So I then had an excuse to do what I do. I quickly went back to messenger, pressed her name and went to the part that made me the most upset.

Y/N: U know I've tried to be the nicest friend possible but one simple mistake I make is the worst thing the world has ever seen with u. I'm torn and I cried myself to sleep last night... Pretty much...

Haylee: Nicest friend?! Hahahahahahahaha nice joke.

Y/N: OMFG! I seriously shouldn't have ever thought u were my friend again...

Haylee: Hahaha rightio

Haylee: Ur the one that messed up this time

Y/N: What did I do?!

Y/N: I've messed up every other time as well apparently!!

Haylee: Hahahahaha u never think u do anything wrong. Go the fuck away

Haylee: Yeah coz u fucking did. Now go the fuck away.

Y/N: I didn't say that. I'm always fucking wrong ok.

I turned off my phone again, not wanting to read anymore today. I laid down on my back, placing my phone on my stomach, listening to Am I Wrong? I looked up to my plain, cream ceiling, and just stared. I felt my eyes slowly droop, making me fall asleep.

Time skip

I awoke at about 7 am, given me about an hour and a half to get ready for my part time job. I got out of bed and changed into a grey sweater, dark leggings and combat boots. I did my hair in a fishtail, grabbed my keys and phone -that had fallen onto my bed- and walked out the door. 

I didn't have a driver's licence, so I just walked for about 15 minutes. I made it to the business I work for. I fiddled with the left sleeve of my sweater, pulling it down a bit to see the scars I had made. I knew it hurts others, but who is there to hurt if I have no one. 

"Morning Y/N!" Cailey exclaimed, cheerfully.

"Morning Cailey!" I shouted back, putting on my everyday 'smile'. "How was work yesterday? Sorry, I couldn't make it, I just wasn't feeling tip top."

"Oh no, I hope you're feeling better today. Nah, it was pretty boring without you here."

"That's a shame, I'm sure it was fine. I have to go to my office now. Sorry, bye!" I said, bowing.

"Ok, I better get going too." She said with a real smile.

I smiled back, turning around. My smile slowly started to fall, I went to the elevator. I entered it and pressed the number 33. There were five offices on each floor- with a total of 60 floors. Each floor was for a different company. My floor was the floor for like doing people's cheques and stuff. However, not anybody's cheques, oh no, we did celebrity's cheques. Each office has two people in it, each person has a few genres of music so they have a bit of an easier life, with floor 32 sorting them for us.

I have the genres: K-pop, J-pop, Electronic/Dance, Hip Hop and a few other ones. They all somehow relate to each other, K-pop and J-pop are in different languages -that I'm learning- electronic/dance is featured in their music videos and some of the groups classify themselves as Hip Hop as well.

To be honest, I actually quite enjoy my job because I love my music and I constantly keep finding new groups. However, this isn't how I found out about BTS. I found out about them from my auntie- who is also in love with them. In fact, I have never gotten a BTS request for cheques and schedules.

There was a sudden knock on the door, startling me a little bit. "Come in!" I cheerfully yelled.

The door opens to reveal Julia -the girl who works in this office as well- and Marius -who works in floor 32. 

"Hey, Julia!" I yell, she smiles and sits down at her desk which is next to mine. "Hey, Marius! Do you have anything for us today!" 

He doesn't answer so I look up, he's staring right at Julia. "Hey, Marius! Earth to Marius!" I yell at him.

He quickly turns to me, "yes, Y/N?" 

"Do you have anything for us?" I question.

"If I didn't, I wouldn't be here."

"Rude much." Julia whispers, loud enough for both us to hear. We all start laughing.

It may be a big building but you pretty much know everyone here and everyone knows you. It's pretty darn cosy. 

Marius goes to the almost full trolley and grabs two medium stacks of letters. "As usual, this must be finished by next week, Tuesday." He states. 

"Why do you have to tell us this every week? It's annoying." I whine.

"He doesn't get a choice Y/N." Julia reminded.

"Oh yeah. Silly me!" I responded. "Anyways Marius, go back to where you belong!" I playfully spat.

"Yes, whatever!" he replied, leaving the room.

As soon as those doors closed, I turned straight to Julia. "Bitch, tell me you saw him staring at you before."

"Umm, I'm going to say this right now. Marius and I started dating last night!" She yelled.

"And you didn't tell me! I'm disappointed!" I laughed.

She looked at me, "Don't tell a single soul."

"Everyone probably already knows since you yelled it." I laughed, shrugging my shoulders. "Ok, Now let's start."

I clapped my hands and looked at the pile of about 60 letters, "piece of cake," I whisper.

Ok, so that's the end of chapter 1. I'm already enjoying this! I don't know why you will meet Suga and the rest but I'll just wing like I do all the time XD. I hope to get another one up today, if possible. I have to watch my brother at rugby for like 2 hours ; - ;. I'll just listen to BTS and write on my phone, instead of my laptop. 

Lost- Suga (Min Yoongi) X Depressed ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now