Chapter 6

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I glance at everyone and Jin speaks again, "Now, please talk about your father."

I nod, "Ok, well in 2014, my parents got divorced. Then, go to 2015 and he got a girlfriend in about March. He started becoming abusive. Yelling, hitting, pinching, calling me names like fat, unfit, stupid and a few others that I can't remember. Then as I saw him every fortnight, he kept getting worse. I think he was also abusive to his girlfriend. My mental thoughts went tumbling down. My self-esteem was dangerously low. I always thought suicide was my only way out. Even in class, I thought of killing myself. One night, I cut myself for the very first time, crying. I cried myself to sleep many times. I came to class crying several times a month. I was incredibly depressed. Then on Halloween, my Grandfather passed away at 4 am. That day I had to be a bridesmaid for my Aunt and he was meant to be there. I remember being told he passed away and just sitting in the bath, crying. He even said he would be at the wedding in spirit which made me cry even more. Dad and his girlfriend broke up after Christmas. 2016 rolled around and dad was worse. I got diagnosed with social anxiety and my cutting was worse especially from Winter when  I was always wearing long sleeves. However, my suicidal thoughts died down because I found out about K-pop. K-pop saved me, only for a bit though, I didn't find out about BTS during that time. I drifted from K-pop for some reason. I become Best friends with Haylee and we fought on my birthday and then we became friends and fought again constantly. Dad again was worse. He wasn't getting help so I moved out. I moved into a house by myself. I always thought about starving myself but I couldn't because of my love of food. However. there were days where I had only dinner. 2017 started and I had to see Dad for his birthday. I got to his place and all was fine until we got into a fight, I don't even remember what it was about, and he grabbed my neck, slightly squeezing it. He also said I had no friends and that I was a fat cunt. Also, he wanted to jog every day. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. So I could become fit. I immediately said no. So he smashed my phone. He purposely threw onto the timber floor, causing it to smash so it wouldn't even work. I went back home and a few weeks past and I got into a fight with Haylee again. I lost all my friends. I only have like 3 now. They mean the absolute world to me cause they've seen me at my worst and stuck with me. I cut myself and carved the word fat into my arm after being about 2 months clean and 1 of those 3 people saw and hugged me. Then I got back into K-pop and found BTS, I instantly played only your songs and nothing, but I eventually expanded my music taste after about a month of flat out listening to your music." I take a breath and sigh.

"Anything else, Y/N?"Jin asked again.

"Oh and I'm suicidal again." I smile weakly, looking over at Yoongi. "That's also why I have The Last as my ringtone because you state so much that I relate to. That's it."

I scan everyone's faces to see any sign of disgust or anything along those lines. Hobi smiles, "Well, you actually have us now. Not just through phones. Jimin WILL give you all of our numbers so you can text, video call or just normally call us whenever you or we can. Seeing you make our schedules you know when you can call at any time." I smile, brightly and get up to squeeze J-hope in a hug. He immediately returns the hug and I hear the obnoxious beeping of my phone getting messages. I check and see Jimin has sent 6 numbers to me. I realise that it's the numbers of the other members. I save the numbers and add contact names: Jungkookie, Mother Jin, RM, Sugar, Hobit and TaeTae. I smile at Jimin. I quickly message them so they have my number. They all get their phones and I assume they save my number. 

They put their phones back in their pockets and I sit back down. It goes completely silent. Until some one's stomach grumbles. I stifle a laugh, I look at everyone looking at each other, looking extremely confused to who's stomach that was. Only one was looking at their stomach, Suga. 

"Suga. Are you hungry?" I laugh.

"Maybe I am."

"I'll go buy us something to eat then. KFC is what we are having." I demand.

"No, we're going back to the dorm to eat then. I don't want you spending your money on us." Jin stated. Taehyung nodded his head, humming an mhm. 

"Fine. But then I'm cooking." I defended.

"Nope. You're not doing that for us either." He stated, sighing.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Y/N. You're the guest. Shut your cakehole and get up. We're leaving." Suga snapped.

I brought my hands up in defence. "OK, settle petal. You seem to be on your period." I laugh.

"No. What is wrong with you?" He asks. We all laugh. We all manage to fit in one elevator. However, it had just enough room. 

"We should've taken 2 elevators," Jungkook suggested.

"You should've said that 10 seconds ago." Jimin sassed back.

I burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" Jimin asked.

"It's just, you guys are like a huge family and the way you guys act is hilarious." I giggle again.

I suddenly felt a hand touch my boob (I legitimately just typed poop there xD. Kill me). The hand thankfully moved and I glared at everyone, trying to find the culprit. "Whoever the fuck touched my boob is dead meat!" I yelled causing it to echo in the elevator. They all stared at me like I was crazy.

"I'm sorry! It was an accident!" The maknae of the group yelled when the elevator doors opened.

"That's fine but if you do it again. I'll whack you across the head." I state, raising my hand. We walk out of the elevator and the building.

Lost- Suga (Min Yoongi) X Depressed ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now