Chapter two

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It is already summer and excited to know if what are the tasks given to both of us. "TWINS!!" our mom called us. We both rushed downstairs. "I am gonna get the business!! Meh gonna win!" Rin said "NO! Rin I am!" I said "Nah ah... me! Dad and mom will pick me!" Rin replied "NO!! RIN... IT WILL BE MEH!!" I said "BITCH BETTER HAVE MY MONEY!!!" Rin said. Rin what the f***k? "RIN... THIS MEANS WAR!!!!" "OK THEN FINE! LEN!" "First one to arrive downstairs... wins!" I said "DEAL!!" Rin said. Rin rushed same as me but... I got first. Heh. I am faster than my twin. So I won.

Len arrived first than me downstairs. Damn it! I admit it, he is fast. " Finally both of you are here. So the first task you will do is going to solve this math equation" our mom told us. Since Len and I love math... well let us see the results...
1. ax+ay=
2. 2+3x=9×-0
1. a(x+y)
2. 3x-9x=-0-2
1. a(x+y)
2. X=1/3

"Wow! My twins are so intelligent!" Our mom said. "Well both of you got correct answers. Ok one point for Len and one point for Rin" our dad said. "Next task will be dancing. Who dances better will win in this round." Our mom said. After the dancing our mom mentioned who won in this round. Guess what I won. Yay! "HAH! I DANCE BETTER THAN YOU LEN!" I said "Shut up. Rin..." Len said. "Next round singing!!" Our dad said. "Hah!! Bonne Chance twin sister! I can sing better than you!" Len said... "PROVE IT TWIN BROTHER!!" I said.... " OK!! Twins choose a song!" Mom said "I choose Daughter of Evil." I said. "I choose Servant of Evil." Len said. I sang first. Then after I sing Len sings... "Good luck. Bro." I said. Len starts to sing. At the end I cried. "What is wrong Rin?" Len asked "You... you sing... better than me..." I said. reality I cried because of the song. So results came... Len won at this round...

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